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“Why are you telling them to fix a separate room for you? What happened to our bedroom?” he asked moving closer to her  “I can have my own room you know, so I can crash there whenever you reek of alcohol like yesterday. How can a man drink leave his new wife at home, get drunk and come home by midnight? At least have some shame!” she yelled flinging the newspaper in her hand on the ground  “So you did that because I came home drunk? And whose fault is that? You have been treating me like an invisible insect ever since we got married, ah it was just yesterday but it felt like years already. I never forced you into this marriage but you are acting as if you buried some deep hatred inside your heart for me already. You are scary do you know that? You were full of smiles at the wedding and even told me to love you forever but you haven’t looked me in the eyes or even have a proper conversation with me ever since yesterday, you didn’t even smile a bit and you expect me to be in the same house with you? No I can’t! I think it’s for the better that you are separating the room but don’t bother to leave the bedroom, I will leave for you!” Chris yelled back and all the maids ran from the sitting room to give them privacy  “Are you done talking? Why should I smile at you? Why should I talk to you?” She countered “Because I’m your husband for God sake!” he replied  “Why should I smile at someone who..” she began to speak but she was interrupted by the door bell. They both faced the door at the same time and the maid opened the door for Lauren, Cynthia’s mother who came in looking gorgeous as ever in her knee length pepper red gown and a white golden button ruffle blazer  “What’s with this tense atmosphere? Is something going wrong here?” she asked and Cynthia smiled widely  “What could possibly be going wrong with new couples? We are just arguing about what to eat , don’t worry, it’s a cute couple fight” she responded linking hands with Chris who rolled his eyes  This woman must be a witch, she was at his throat few seconds ago but now she’s having her first smile because her mother is here  “I wondered why you haven’t left for your honeymoon yet so I came to pay a visit and deliver the plane tickets by myself and check if the house is to your tastes” Lauren informed having her seat “The house is to our taste and we will be leaving for the honeymoon tomorrow as slated on the ticker” Cynthia replied and have her seat  “That’s good. I hope she’s not giving you much problem, she might decide to act cutely and rebellious like she behaves with me but you should take care of her nonetheless” Lauren said to Chris  “I’ll keep that in mind ma’am” He replied  “I want to get my phone upstairs ma’am” he added and moved upstairs leaving the mother and daughter to their conversation  “Talk to me, is everything really right?" Lauren pressed her daughter further but she sealed her lips tight  “Nothing is happening, you worry too much. We are just trying to pick a menu. He wants pasta and I want rice" she replied with a smile and Lauren sighed  “If you say so then" she added and stood up to leave  “You are leaving so fast? Why? You just got here" Cynthia countered  “Why should I stay with newlyweds? I have my company to run" Lauren slammed her and head out for her car  “Say me well to your husband" she added before entering her car and the driver drove her off ***  Cynthia instructed the maids to pack both hers and her husband's suitcase so they can leave for Thailand where they had decided to go before their wedding the next day. She finished all the arrangements and was checking out the mails on her computer when Chris came into her room  “I think it's simple courtesy that you should knock before coming in to my room" she attacked him and he couldn't believe his ears  “Why should I knock before I enter my wife's room? It's not enough that you separated the rooms bur you don't even want me to come in again? Why are you behaving like this?" He gritted in frustration  “Even though we are couples we still have our own privacies and I will want you to respect that" Cynthia replied typing away and Chris hit the trash can beside the door in anger  “Just continue to be this way and never blame me for anything, you started it you know" he threatened but she didn't flinch  “Your bags are packed for the trip, we leave tomorrow so sleep early" she said and Chris knew he would never get through her so he left the room while she continued what she did. ***  After almost thirteen hours of flight, they arrived at Thailand the following day and lodged in the RELO hotel where the display of nature was to its fullest with the prefect ambiance between water and trees. They lodged in one of the rooms and their dinner were brought in no time.  “We received the instructions to make sure we give you the best service from Chairwoman Lauren. We will give you the best of the services here so please trust our plans and follow our schedules so we can take you on a rollercoaster of joyous moments" the hotel manager announced to them and they nodded in reply  “Thank you, we will be looking forward to it" Chris replied and the manager left the room b to attend to other things  ***  They both slept like log of wood due to the tiredness of their long flight and woke up a little late the following morning. Cynthia took her bath first and Chris for the first time after his wedding opened his work mail so something could keep him busy because he know this ttip will never be an interesting one, he wasn't expecting anything new.  “You have to be ready before 11am, the manager will be here by then" she told him when he saw how engrossed he was with his work  “I'll be done soon, If my trip won't be a blissful one, I should at least get engrossed in something" he replied and her heart skipped a little. She wasn't expecting his words to hurt her but it did. She quickly got rid of the hurt on her face and moved to the dressing table to apply her makeup. The manager came later and took them to see the waters around the hotel while telling them the stories behind the water, why the hotel decided to make it nature friendly. Cynthia dressed in a peach floral gown and a black strap heels to match, her make up was perfectly done and her lips were full with her cherry red lipstick. There were other couples around the area and they greeted them as they passed through with the manager. They were passing through the side of the swimming pool when the buckle of Cynthia's heels entered into her ankle and tickled her so she flapped her leg in fear but she lost balance and fell into the pool. Chris' eyes opened in horror and he jumped in immediately to save his wife. He brought her out and quickly rushed her to their room in a bridal style. He quickly took her to the bedroom and ran a hot bath for her before helping her into the bathroom. He turned to leave her to her business but turned when he heard her say “wait"  “I can't pull this off, I think I hurt my hand a little back then" she said raising her right hand  “You don't like when I see you unclothed, how will I help you pull it off?" He asked staring at the door in front of him  “I'm giving you the permission right now" she said and he turned back to help her with the dress. He pulled it off her head to reveal the black lace bra she was putting on with the matching black tong. Her body felt strange to him, he had seen her naked once when they made out after getting drunk but they didn't go pass the making out stage. It felt like ages that he had seen her body.  She was his wife but he haven't even properly looked at her body or hold her in his arms. He stared at her for some seconds before standing up to leave the bathroom. He went back to check his mail while waiting for her to come out and a new mail had dropped  “I'm sorry for the other night, things got a little messy and I went out of the way. I don't want to text you because of your wife so I'm using your mail. Take care and have a great marriage" the mail said and he sighed in frustration  “What's that?" He heard the voice ask from behind and he quickly closed down the system in fear  What’s that? Are you hiding something from me?” she asked blowing her wet hair with the hand dryer  “Nothing! I’m just checking my mail to see if something important dropped” he replied standing up but Cynthia blocked his way “Are you lying to me? You have no reason to hide your work mail from me you know” she attacked but he scoffed “You are not interested in me but you want to be interested in my work life? Make it make sense. If you are done showering, let’s go for lunch” he countered and picked his jacket before heading out “What an asshole” she muttered and went to dress up She threw on another summer floral gown and packed her hair to the back in a simple style before heading out to the couple area. She went to the table already reserved for them by the manager and sat in front of already seated Chris who was busy on his phone and wouldn’t even spare her a glance. ***  She was busy putting on her dress when a call came through her phone and she saw the name displayed on the screen. She hesitated for a bit before picking up the call but eventually picked during the second call “Oh the newest bride in town must be having the time of her life seeing how she couldn’t pick up faster” Kate said over the phone and Cynthia scoffed “If you know that, why are you disturbing the new bride having the time of her life?” she replied “My apologies on that ma’am! I just wanted to check up on you and ask about how you are doing. You know haven’t talked since the wedding day so it’s natural to be curious about your wellbeing” her friend stated and she sighed “Is something wrong? Why are you sighing so loud?” her friend added and she cackled “What could be wrong? I’m just tired and that’s all” she replied and they talked some more for few minutes “I’m going out to meet Chris for lunch, I’ll call you back when I’m done” she informed her and dropped the call before finishing up what she was doing The manager came to their table with a waiter carrying a tray of sparkling water to serve them before their main dish arrives. “You should cool down your thirst with this, I will make sure your food comes as soon as possible” The manager stated and they smiled in return After few minutes, their food cart arrived and the manager placed two plates in front of them  “This is our popular Satay dish. It is a five tender strips of marinated chicken grilled on skewers, splashed with spiced coconut milk and served with peanut sauce and tangy cucumber sauce” he introduced to them with a perfect smile “Please enjoy the appetizer while the main dish finds its way here” he added and left the table for them to enjoy their meal. They both ate in silence as usual before their main dish arrived  “This is Tom Kha Gai, it’s a milder coconut milk soup with chicken, lemon grass, galangal, onion, mushroom and Cilantro” he introduced as the waiter laid down the dishes  “Here is our Bean thread noodles stir fried with egg, tofu, bean sprouts, chili, onions, garlic and fresh vegetables” he introduced further  “They are very delicious dishes” Cynthia complimented and the manager expressed his happiness before leaving them to enjoy their dishes Other couples around were busy chatting, smiling and laughing at their sides while they just ate in silence, only the sound of their spoons, forks were heard from their table  “I honestly still don’t know why we are like this because this situation doesn’t make sense. We are the only one odd here, even if I did something to offend you, you should be able to tell me what I did” he said and Cynthia aired him  They finished their lunch and went back to their room before Cynthia brought up the issue of the mail again. She had definitely seen something suspicious in the mail and he proved her right by closing the system right in her face “Honestly, I don’t think I can live with you like this. I’m not interested in this honeymoon anymore, this is not honey but bitter moon! If you are not going to tell me what I did or why you are like this then I’m going back home. It feels like I’m wasting my time here and that time should be channeled towards my work” he yelled packing his clothes into his suitcase and head for the door but Cynthia stopped him by blocking the door “are you trying to make a fool out of me? You want people here to gossip about my groom leaving me? Do you want to embarrass me so bad?” she fumed and he scoffed before cackling hard “Oh so you feel embarrassed? You do know what embarrassment feels like? You have been embarrassing me right from the night of our wedding. You never regarded me as your husband, you ridicule me with every chance you get and you are talking about embarrassment here? I’m done with you here” he replied trying to push her out of the way but she held to the door frame “You are not going anywhere” she insisted kicking away his briefcase “Then tell me what I did, you are fcking frustrating me” he growled holding her shoulder as he speak “You want to know what you did? Sure I will tell you and make sure you open your ears, don’t even lie to me because I know all” she gritted between her teeth  “Then let’s hear it” he said moving to the bed “I liked you with everything I have and you just had to embarrass me by sleeping with my best friend? Ah she’s no longer my best friend. You slept with Kate? A low life? I wouldn’t even be this mad if it were another lady on my class but someone that low to me? Do you know how embarrassing that is you this piece of sh*t!” she raised her voice to show her level of anger and his shoulder dropped in surprise “What? You think I didn’t know? You slept with that b*tch on the night prior to the wedding? Just how low piece of a trash are you? You had to humiliate me and my pride by sleeping with my best friend? That lowest of the lowest class?” she yelled into his face and he was dumbfounded He was caught! There is nothing he can say to deny because for her to say something like this then she must have had concrete evidence “Just where did we go wrong? How did you even think of sleeping with that smelly b*tch? Just why!” she roared at him and growled as he got on his knees immediately to beg for her forgiveness “and you were wondering why I was so cold towards you? That was because you disgust me! Your hands around me felt like dirt and you know how much I hate dirt. I was so uncomfortable with your hands because you felt just like trash, you disgust me!” she growled with fresh tears flowing out of her eyes “Imagine if I was the one that slept with Evans? Would you still marry me after learning all that? You would hate me to death and won’t even want to see me anymore. You think it’s forgivable just because you are the man? Hell no! I will make sure you realize what you did wrong, pay for it till you can no longer pay for that” she added “I honestly have no words and I will not give any excuse. Now that I know my offense, I will live all my life paying for it” he said holding her ankle in tears but she shook his hands off  “Don’t bother to butter me with that, you will pay for it for the rest of your life and it will only end when I forgive you” she replied  “Don’t even think you can escape with any divorce, I knew what I was in for before getting into this marriage and it doesn’t change the fact that I like you. I will keep you to myself and make sure no one can make you happy” she added before stomping out of the room angrily  He fell to his behind with tears in his eyes and he was sweating furiously, it was now clear as the day, the reason why she was treating him like that all these while but he did deserve it, he cheated on her. His home might never be a happy one with this incident and he knows it
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