Chapter 17: My Loss

876 Words
"What's your favorite movie?" "Hmm... Tokyo Drift," I said. "But that's my least favorite." Kamil smiles and landed a peck on my lips. I blushed and chuckled. "Oh, I have to tell you. I'm gonna see some guys later at the basketball court this afternoon." Kamil told me. "We're just gonna play a little basketball." "Huh, I figured you played basketball," I told him. "Of course. No one can get this fit without playing a bit of ball." I and Kamil laid outside under a tree looking up at the sky. I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. "I finally have a boyfriend," I thought to myself. I never realized that this could happen. But then again, this could've just been a figment of my coincidence. "Hey... Kamil? Can I ask you something?" He shifted his head to me. "Yeah, of course." "Why do you like me?" "What do you mean?" He asked me. "I mean," I got up and shifted closer to him. "Why are you attracted to me?" He stared at me, stymied at what I was asking him. "Because... you remind me of myself." Now I was confused. "What?" "I think you're beautiful, I think you're imaginative, and I think you're shy, but in a good way." His hand stroked my cheek. "To be honest, I've always liked you. No, I love you. Okay?" I grinned and felt myself kissing him. His lips were so soft and light. His skin felt like I was touching a cloud. His hands cupped my cheeks and my head was tilted towards his, our foreheads meeting. It was almost as if I could feel his thoughts. So strong... such a dominant harmony we shared. His lips departed from mine slowly and he stood up. "I've gotta go meet the guys. I'll text you tonight though, okay babe?" Oh my gosh... he called me his babe. I just sat there on the ground looking up into his eyes, astonished unthinkably. "Hey... you okay?" He asked me. I snapped out of my daydreaming and sat myself up. "Uh, yeah. Yeah, I'm alright." "Okay," he smooched me on the cheek. "Bye, babe." I smiled and looked ahead as he departed down the sidewalk and vanished down the street that led to the nearby basketball court. It was a block away from the back of my house, across several streets. In some weeks, I'd hear the boys playing basketball whenever I walked to the mailbox. The sounds of their shoe grating friction against the hard cement ground. The ball bouncing with such force, generating a loud boom sound when throwing across the pavement. My phone rang. It was Alicia. "Hey, Max." She said, a tone of merriment I could hear in her voice. "You sound well," I told her. "Something good happen?" "Turn around." She asked me. I did as she said and startled myself when she jumped behind me, laughing. I took a breath and hugged her. "Gosh, you almost gave me a heart attack," I said. "Wait, when did you get here?" "I hid behind that tree over-" She paused her sentence when she saw my busted lip from yesterday. "Max, what happened to you?" I shook my head and tried to evade her question, but she refused to let me. "Max... what happened?" She asked me again. I looked from my left to my right and took her hand, leading her to behind the tree. As soon as I brought her over, she looked at me with a dubious expression. I sighed and spoke quietly. "It was Joe..." "What?" She was shocked with fright. I whispered quietly close to her face. "Joe and these two seniors dragged me into the bathroom and beat me up." "Did you tell anyone?" She asked. "No," I told her. "I wanted to tell Kamil, but I didn't know what his reaction would be." "How about your family?" "I just told them that I fell down the stairs at school and busted my lip." Alicia looked around for a minute, her hand placed under her chin as she thought to herself for a moment. "You said it was him and two seniors?" She inquired. "Yeah, and they were the same ones in the detention room." I notified her. "So, maybe this is why he's been distant lately." She said. "Max... I think I have an idea." "What is it?" "I'll let you know tomorrow morning at school." She said, walking away. "Oh! And bring a hoodie!" "Uh... alright!" Why did she want me to bring a hoodie? What did she want to tell me tomorrow? It sounded almost as if she had a plan. The following night ahead, I sat in my room looking in the mirror at my lip and nose. It wasn't that bad once I put some ointment on it. It covered the blemishes pretty well. Like a shock out of lightning, my room door was hurled open by Uncle William. He caught sight of me as I was applying the ointment in my face. The cream I could feel was smeared across my cheek. "You really are a faggot..." He said softly. Uncle William gave me a disgusted look and stormed out in a huff.
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