Chapter 15: A Date

1066 Words
It was Wednesday and I dressed up the following afternoon when I got out of school. It was 6:30 and the afternoon sun was still gleaming outside. The date was at 7:00. The boy that I called the last few days before was gonna pick me up. I never really dressed that casual, but this was my first date with a boy. I finished buttoning my light grey shirt that matched my black slacks. I wouldn't exactly wear anything that wasn't mandatory for a date, but whatever. I looked at my phone and saw a missed phone call from Alicia. I called her back and waited for her to pick up. "Hello?" She answered. "Hey, did you call me?" "Oh, yeah. I did. I wanted to ask about the date. Is he there yet?" "Uh... not yet," I said, peeking into my curtain behind my window. I didn't want him to come too soon but I was feeling a little anxious about this. "Well, I think you'll be alright. There's no need to be nervous." She said. "What makes you think I'm nervous?" I said, wiping my sweaty palms on my bedspread. "Your hands are sweating, aren't they?" She predicted correctly. "You know me too well," I said. That's when I heard a car pull up outside my window. I peeled behind the curtain and looked at the gray, detailed car that was parked in my driveway. Through the tint in his windshield, I could see him sitting in the driver's seat. He seemed to be looking down at something, probably his phone. Suddenly, the car door opened and he walked up to the front door. "Uh, he's here. I'll call you later, okay?" "Okay, enjoy your date. Oh, and send me a picture of you two! I want to see how cute he is." "Promise." I hung up and ran to the door. Grandma and uncle Lionel were over at my other aunt's birthday party so they wouldn't be back until eight. Dad and uncle William were here though. They were in the kitchen laughing and drinking. I opened the door and felt a little awkward tense as I could feel my face blush. I looked at him sheepishly. "Hey," I said, trying to sound complacent. "Hi." He said with a smirk. His brown full eyes focused on me for a minute before he lost distraction. "So... you ready to go?" He asked. "Y-yeah." He gestured to his car and we got in. I hope that I don't expect too much out of this date. About ten minutes had passed and silence had filled the air between us. I didn't utter a word as he concentrated on driving. But then I felt him turn to me and I looked at him. Then I instantly looked away. I heard him chuckle and he continued back in driving. "You're quiet." He said, breaking the silence "Am I?" I said, stuttering. "Didn't notice." He mumbled under his breath in a humming manner and turned on the radio. When we got to the diner, we got into a booth and he ordered for us. Surprisingly- and I am not kidding here- he knew my favorite food. Waffle fries and turkey cheeseburgers. After the waitress brought our food, we began eating. I put my burger down and looked at him. "How'd you know... my favorite food?" I asked him. "Well, I see you here sometimes on the weekends and just watched you." He said. "Watch me? So you're a stalker now?" "I hardly think of myself as that. I think of myself as someone who wants to get to know you." He told me. My fingers scratched the leather of the booth as I went back to eating. Taking a bite, I looked up at him and he grinned. His smile was nice. It made me feel kinda nervous but good at the same time. After we ate, we continued talking in the booth. My eyes examine his attire from his acid wash jeans to his black necklace that had a silver little arrow around his neck. "So, I wanted to ask you something." "Yeah?" I said. "How come you ran away from me that morning in the cafeteria?" I shyly looked out the large window next to our booth. The sky wasn't pitch dark yet but the sun was setting slowly. "I'm not good at... socializing. As you can see, I'm not very known to be a social person." "Well, I just wanted to talk to you." He told me. His keys jangled around his index finger. "I know you did. I just... I don't know. I'm not good at talking to people, okay?" "You can talk to me. I'm not gonna bite." I blushed, then turned back to him. "Come on, I wanna take you somewhere before you go home." He said, getting up and gesturing his hand for me to take. I put my palm in his as I got up and we walked out to the car, hand in hand. During the drive, I noticed the few looks that the people at the diner gave us back there. But I didn't care as long as I was with him. A park was where we came up to. I got out of the car with him and he took me towards a pond. The gold light of the setting sun glimmered on the water. Ducks honked and squeaked at each other as they floated on top of the water. "My name's Kamil, by the way." He told me. "I like it." I said. "I like you." He turned towards me and leaned into me. I didn't stop him. He cupped my face in his hands as our lips met passionately. My eyes were closed tightly as I rubbed my hands on his broad shoulders. The fabric of his shirt was soft and delicate. We pulled away and I unconsciously let out a sigh. "Wait here." He told me as he ran back to the car. He opened the door and took out something from under the seat. He came back to me quickly. "Here you go." He said, handing me my notebook. The notebook that I had left in the cafeteria that morning in school. "Thank you... Kamil." I told him. We then kissed again. His arms pulling me in close as we shared another delightful kiss.
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