Chapter Three

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Zachery's POV "I am sorry son, I know there is nothing I can say to justify what I did but I am here now and I need you back." I refused to look at him as anger was building within me. I thought I could be reasonable enough to stand his lies but just him opening his mouth broke my facade. "No you didn't need me then and you don't need me now. I didn't come here to listen to your bullshit but I came to make a deal with you. Please stay away from my mum and I and when she asks you why, tell her you have realized it was a bad idea that you came back and that you didn't mean all those lies you told her and in turns, I will make you live." "Are you threatening me?" he asked taken back by my utterance. "You can choose to call it that. But I call it protecting the ones I love. I am ready to protect my mum and myself from you. So be a good boy and do as I said." I grinned at his shocked state before leaving him. His countenance was that of pain and grief but who cares? I was getting much more pleasure from seeing him in this state He never cared about mum when he left her with an unborn child. He never cared about her emotions and whether that would affect me or not. He never cared when I needed a father at age 10 just to show me the right path and teach me about girls. He is the reason why I have turned into a murderer and a playboy. Perhaps I could have turned out to be like Leo, whose father trained him and supported him and took him through the right path. I had to watch mum cry most of the time when she stares at me because I look so much like him and was a constant reminder of his betrayal. She has to always assure me that she loves me so that she doesn't impact the hatred she felt for him on me. She had gone through hell but now she is the one pleading for him to be forgiven.   "I'm sorry mum I can't fulfill your wish this time." I muttered under my breath before getting into my car. Boris has asked me to pick up some packages from one of our dealers. It's quite dangerous dealing with this particular partner so I am the only one aside from Boris who is allowed to meet him.  I navigated my car to his hideout and within thirty minutes, I was able to exchange the money given to me by the boss for the package. "Are you sure this is good substance Naruto?" I asked the usual question and he replied with his usual "Have I ever given you fake goods?" It's not like I don't trust him or I trust him. It's just about his demeanor. When he is lying, I could discern it from how he replies and his expression. "Thank you, Naruto. I should get going." "Hey Carlos, I heard the auction is in three weeks. Got any special b***h for me?" "Trust me, buddy. I will get the best for you. Just make sure you get there on time." Naruto buys the girls and sells them off for his own profits. Even though he is rich, he doesn't have the resources to abduct them so he buys them from us. Ashanti's POV "Ash don't worry they will get a cure for you. Your parents have got the best doctors working on it." My best friend Samira said, trying to calm me down but the truth is, I was not worried at all. They all think it's an ailment but I think otherwise and I tell them so. But everyone aside my Naana thinks I am crazy. "Samira, how many times do you want me to say that there is nothing wrong with me?. I am perfectly fine. If you don't believe my vision fine, but don't insinuate that I am insane "That's not what I meant Ash, it's just that what you are saying is ridiculous, not even a child will believe you. It's just so unreal and crazy." "Get out of my room! I am tired of all of you telling me how crazy I am!" I bawled causing her to shoot to her feet as if she was scared I will bite off her head. She didn't leave but stood there looking at me. I had nothing more to say to her so to dismiss her, I took out my phone and inattentively opened an app I have never opened before. Literally, it's a dating app that I downloaded a month ago but have never found the need to use. I downloaded tinder because I wanted to fit in and find someone who will understand me and love me. I have been forced into loneliness since all my friends have deserted me thinking I am crazy because of my vision. Some even said I attacked them like I was a wild animal. But those were all lies. I can't even hurt a fly much more my own friends. Since then, they all run away when I approach them and all expect Samira left. How does this thing work? They want me to enter my email? I at this moment was not pretending and was seriously confused. Thankfully, I remembered the password for an email address I hardly use and entered my location. Seconds later, I was shown different boys according to my preferences. They were nice looking but none intrigued me.  Samira had left awhile ago so I logged out then threw my phone on my bed. There was nothing interesting on that app and I bet I wouldn't want to try it anymore. There was a loud knock on my door and moments later Naana entered. "Hey baby girl." "Naana!" I run to her, hugging her like I was still her little granddaughter and she didn't fail to play with my cheeks like she always does. "Samira said you sacked her out of your room is everything okay?" Ahh that b***h reported me?! "No Naana, she  said my visions are crazy and you know how I feel about that" "Oh did she? I get you now. Don't mind her, the fact that she doesn't understand doesn't make it crazy. After all, what matters is that there is someone who believes you and that's me." "Thank you Naana. You are better than mum and dad. I bet they are planning on taking me to a mental hospital." I envisioned with my mouth pouted. "That would be over my dead body. I will never allow that." "I love you Naana." "I love you more. Now round up with whatever you are doing. You are having dinner with the family tonight. If you don't want to, there is no way I am allowing Parti to bring you food." Now that's the strict side of my Naana. I mentally said, outwardly giggling Third Person POV. It was a Monday, the start of a new week. He had already made it through his first two lessons and was now making his way to the cafeteria with a red hair bimbo whose name he didn't even remember hanging on his arms. He escorted her to her seat with a promise to link up with her at the close of school before we walked off to his table where Leo and their two other friends Adonis and Pascal sat. "Someone is in good mood today." Pascal teased causing Adonis to guffawed at his remark. "Who wouldn't be when he has got the almighty Tasha hanging on his arms." It seemed like a good joke to them but not to Leo, who looked worried for his friend. The rate at which he was taking down all the girls in the school was alarming. Zac who had heard them chuckled taking his seat. "Are you okay bro?" Leo asked him causing him to raise his brows in a confused manner. "I am, why shouldn't I be." "I don't know but all these ladies and how you change them is alarming. It's insane." "What is insane about this Leo, they are the ones throwing themselves at him and he is wise not to reject them." Adonis defended him "Or maybe he hasn't found a loyal one so he will keep testing them until he finds the one." Pascal laughed it off and funnily Zac laughed it off too. "Come on guys, I am trying to make some progress here, Thank you for ruining it." Leo was disappointed that his friends don't see his point of view and are in support of the miserable life Zac is leading.  "Relax man, they are just girls. They don't mean a thing and just like what Pas here said, when I find the one, I will quit." He knew Zac was lying to him because the Zac he grew up with will never commit to a single girl. It will be like asking him to stop breathing. "Thinking of it, I think you should try tinder, Max got his girlfriend from there and she is so hot." Pete who had walked in on them talking joined in the conversation "Oh you mean that fake dating site, man don't waste your time if you don't want to be chatting with a gay thinking you are chatting with a girl."  They erupted into uncontrollable laughter, finding it ridiculous that Pete will suggest such a thing.  "What? It's not as bad as you think." "It's enough Pete, Zac knows what's good for him. Or don't you?" His mind was no longer with them.  His gaze was fixed on this girl who had entered the cafeteria with her friend. He was not attracted to her but was intrigued with how she was finding it difficult to retrieve a soda from the vending machine. He was attentive to her, anticipating how she would be able to solve her problem. And her discomfort caused him great delight. "Zac!" "Huh? what did you say again?". "Nothing." Adonis answered much to Zac's annoyance. He looked back to the vending machine where the girl was still suffering to have a soda. Her friend was no longer with her and it looked like she didn't want to let her money go to waste. Deciding that he has had enough, he stood up in an attempt to help her, but Tyler, his popularity rival beat him to it.  "Hey beautiful, when this jerk is giving you problems all you need to do is to give him a small but painful kick." Tyler demonstrated and truly it worked when the soda started sliding down to the bottom. "Thank you so much. I was really getting frustrated." "You are welcome beautiful."He turned, sending a wink to a furious Zac before walking off. 
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