Chapter 10: Someone New

2643 Words

Skylar's P.O.V I returned to school the following week and so far things have been calm, but then it's always calm before the storm, so I'm constantly on guard. Surprisingly enough Bethany has left me alone. She doesn't trip me up in the hallways, or get her gang of bullies to beat me up. In fact, I hardly see her around school which also means I hardly see Jack. Not that I care though, that asshole can burn in hell for all I care. My days are spent going to school and then returning home to study for a while, until Alex comes over. We've been taking things slow, watching movies and eating pizza or sometimes we play video games but never anything out in public. He still hasn't claimed me as his mate yet, but he keeps saying he will when the time is right.I just think the time will

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