Javier couldn't understand why he was so happy after hearing the news. He couldn't believe the stranger woman had finally awakened. He realized that despite everything that had happened to her, she still had a desire to live. Despite what she had been through, she refused to give up. She was on the verge of death, yet here she was, battling and now awake.
He was happy for the stranger, very happy. He disliked watching people being oppressed, whether they were werewolves like him or humans. What he despised the most were beings who thought themselves superior and looked down on people they regarded as inferior.
He hates bullies. He sees no justification for their conduct and firmly believes they should be taught a lesson. Bullies are unaware of their impact on their victims. They have little regard for whether their victims survive or die.
The person who attempted to kill the stranger woman was not simply a bully. It was a demon. That person possessed a dark soul. And that person deserved to be found and held accountable for what it did to the woman.
"That is good, Jordan. Go and take care of whatever is needed there. I am coming.” He ended the conversation by saying, "I’m just fixing some things here,”
He almost forgot his father was there before him, analyzing his face. The old man raised an eyebrow. "Son, this is my first time seeing you smile again. I want to be happy, but knowing you're smiling because of a human makes me uncomfortable." His father spoke honestly.
He was astonished by his father's statement. Was he smiling? He was unaware of it. He only knew that Jordan's announcement made him happy. There was no malice involved.
He flashed his father a comforting smile. "I understand your thoughts, Dad. Take it easy, and don't stress yourself out. There's no need for concern."
"No cause for concern? Are you out of your mind, Javier?! You seem so close to that human. Yes, you’re right. There's absolutely nothing wrong with engaging with humans. But that's the limit! You can't possibly develop feelings for a pure-blooded human!" His father's voice had become slightly louder.
Despite the gravity of the conversation, he couldn't suppress a chuckle at his father's response. The way his father spoke, it seemed like he was still in his teenage years. "Dad, you're blowing things out of proportion. I've already made it clear that I have no intention of having a new Luna. I can’t love anymore. Rest assured, I have no connection to this woman. I don’t even know her,”
His father looked at him skeptically. "Can I trust what you're saying? Why does Jordan need to update you on what's happening with that woman? And why are you happy?"
He reclined against the plush couch. "I'm happy for her. Not in the way you're imagining. I'm telling the truth; we don't know each other."
“Explain it to me, Javier.”
"Well, on the day Jordan and I returned to the country, Nick noticed two figures. He saw the harrowing scene as the attacker attempted to kill the other one, who tragically fell on the cliff. We decided to investigate the situation. The victim was fortunate not to land on the rocks and instead landed safely on the branches of a tree. We brought her to the hospital. Her heartbeat was weak, she was bleeding, and she had numerous injuries," he recounted.
He could see the amazement on his father's face, who look genuinely interested in his story. "Jordan told me again that the woman was human. But I persisted on helping her. I couldn't leave a woman in a vulnerable situation, especially because I knew I could help."
His father listened attentively, so he continued. "It is logical for a murder case to include injuries. But we couldn't recognize the victim's face, so it looks like that the assailant had a deep hatred for her.”
His dad was taken aback. "What do you mean?"
"Dad, the woman's face was damaged. And I mean, it was severely damaged. You couldn't even recognize her," he said.
"Oh my God!" His father covered his mouth with a palm.
"That's why, even though Mom need my presence that day, we prioritized getting the woman to the hospital. Her situation were pitiful. What happened to her was extremely cruel,"
The old man nodded, indicating that he understood his reasoning. "For me, whoever did this to the victim is a devil himself. How can you harm a vulnerable, helpless woman? How could this demon bring themselves to harm a woman? Doesn't he have a mother? I can't imagine how he planned to kill this woman."
Javier looked his father in the eyes.
"And you know what, Dad? Despite her circumstances—on the verge of death with her heart barely beating—she wanted to live. She fought against death. I wondered what motivation you still had to want to live after what had happened to you in that situation. Even if she lives, won't the attacker attempt to kill her again?"
“And this woman made me immediately feel ashamed. Yes, losing a loved one hurts. The death of your loved one is terrible. Though I almost wanted to die after Beatrice was gone, many people still loved me. My existence had lost significance for me. Though I am rich, strong, and loved by many, I was resigning from life. And then this human, strung to life by a thread, is fighting? Damn, I get embarrassed of myself. It feels as though I have no right to call myself Alpha,” he said exaggeratedly.
He watched his father smile but kept his mouth shut to finish his story. "I'm happy because this woman once more opened my eyes. I became rather aware of things, so I have no regrets about helping her. And earlier, Jordan called to tell me she woke up following several weeks of unconsciousness.”
"How is she now?"
“She is out of critical state. But...“
His father scowled. "But what?"
Recalling the condition of the woman's face, he can’t help but feel sad. "The doctor informed me they cannot treat the patient's face. Dad, we put her in a small hospital, there’s no plastic surgeons there,”
There was silence between them. And then, his father gave him a shoulder pat. "Son, you have nothing to worry about regarding that. It is you who can make her face back to normal. Why should you hunt for another doctor? Did you forget that you’re a surgeon?”
His eyes went wide, and he gasped. His father's comments are same like his friend, Jordan!
But his spirits sank when he thought about how long he had turned his back on being a doctor. "I was a doctor before, Dad. Not anymore," he said sadly.
"What the hell are you talking about? You are still a doctor. You did not lose your license. You stopped practicing after Beatrice was gone. You've lost your passion for everything. You're an excellent doctor, son. Remember that talent cannot be taken away from you. Maybe you can forget some things, but if you practice again, I'm sure your sleeping skills will awaken. You're one of the best surgeons in our country, son. Always remember that," his father said, reassuringly squeezing his shoulder.
Javier felt his tears well up. His father was right. He'd wanted to be a doctor since he was a child. That dream began with his wish to help his mother remove the huge birthmark on her face. Even though she was his father's Luna, she never got over her insecurities because her birthmark had caused her to be rejected by countless male wolves she felt were her mate. She had also been bullied inside the pack.
As he grew older, he dreamed of helping his mother overcome her insecurities and enhance her natural beauty, which he did. And his mother couldn't be more happier.
But when Beatrice died, he felt as if everything he was passionate about had vanished.
"T-Thank you, Dad.” He muttered, "Your words mean a lot to me."
"Look, I don't know this human. But one thing is certain: I admire her strength and determination to survive. Help her, son.” His father encouraged him. "I know you're the only one who can restore her face."
Javier felt anxious. "C-Can I actually do it, Dad? Do you think I can help her and restore her face?"
"Of course. You need to believe in yourself. You want to help that woman, right?"
"Then you must trust yourself. Help her restore her face so she can get the justice she deserves," his father urged.
His eyes became heavy, and tears welled up. It was incredible to have his loved ones' support and trust.
His father laughed at his expression. "Javier, fix yourself. I am going to tell your mother about this. I'm sure she'll be pleased. And when all goes well, introduce this woman to me.”
"Thank you, Dad."
"I am proud of you, my son. I am glad you are taking over the Black Moon Pack again. Do whatever you think you need to do," his father advised, bolstering his resolve. Now he was much more determined. His father was right. The stranger woman needs his assistance.
His father left him alone in the library. He pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed Jordan’s number.
"Jordan, take care of all the necessary paperwork for the patient. I'm coming over now to talk to the woman. We need to have a conversation," he said seriously as he walked towards his room.
"That's a good idea. You should be the one to talk to her. She’s not talking to anyone. By the way, what's your plan now that she's awake?"
He took a big breath before responding. "I've made a decision. If she agrees, I'll be the one to fix her face."
Even though he couldn't see his friend's face, he knew Jordan was undoubtedly shocked!
He’s back—the Alpha of the Black Moon Pack and one of the best surgeons in the country.