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The moment I walked into my office later that night, I knew I was in deep trouble. The grim look on Michael's face as he held up a phone in his hand was enough to send the hairs on my arms rising. ''Chief's on the phone," he whispered to me as I got closer. My shoulders tensed as I reached for the phone. I remembered to take a beat before I pressed the phone to my ear. "Hello, Chief." "Detective." I could hear the anger in his voice and the tension that lingered. "Did you forget about the briefing we had just before your operation?" "No sir." "So, why did you decide to investigate without permission?" "Sir, it wasn't a solo operation. Michael was with me." I tried to reason, but I knew there was no escaping this. "You and I both know that isn't the issue, Detective. Your actions could have put everyone in danger." I swallowed, biting my tongue, least I said something I wasn't supposed to. "Sir-" I began but he interrupted. "It's only thanks to the fact that the operation failed that you aren't in deep s**t right now. However, since we didn't get anything, the case will be put on hold until further notice." "But we did get something—!" "And you are off the case as well." What? I gaped, almost dropping the phone in shock. It took all of my strength not to lose my cool. I needed to be calm and think things through before I acted rashly. Getting angry won't help. "But Chief, you can't do that." "It's an order." "Sir, I know I messed up. But you can't remove me from this case." I could feel Michael's eyes on me as I spoke, but I ignored him. "I have been working on this for a while. You can’t just kick me out.’’ ‘’As much as I don’t want to, I’ve been given the orders.’’ He sighed, and there was a silent pause before he continued. ‘’The investigation will resume later on.’’ ‘’When?’’ I knew he was lying. Just like the other cases that needed investigation being swept under the rug like it was nothing. I knew Moretti’s case would be too. "Till further notice." "Chief-" "You're dismissed." Before I could say anything else, the line went dead. My shoulders slumped as I set the phone back. I didn't dare look up, not wanting to face the disappointment on Michael's face. ''Well, that didn’t go as planned at all." He said, coming over to my side. ''What do we do now?" I shrugged, feeling the heaviness in my chest. I was the lead detective in the Moretti case, so not only was I angry about the fact that the chief had taken me off the case, but the thought of having to leave the investigation halfway left a sour taste in my mouth. Aside from the fact that I've been looking for ways to bring Moretti down, it's been my life for years. This case was all I had. The only thing that mattered. It was a promise I made to a friend, and I couldn't fail it. "Hey," Michael said, placing a hand on my shoulder. His blue eyes trained on me, a frown etched on his face. "I'm sure the Chief will let you back in on the case." "Yeah." "Don't worry too much, okay?" He said in a reassuring tone. Then be stopped to look at me. "I'm guessing this is the wrong time to talk about your outfit." "What about it?" I looked down at myself, realizing what he was referring to. The black dress I was wearing was a little too revealing. And while it might have been great for a night out, it was not ideal for an investigation. I had picked it out because I'd heard the theme of the party was masquerade and ball. But after seeing all the other guests' attires, I realized I might have overdone it. "What? This isn't the first time I've had to infiltrate a party. It's the same thing as undercover, and I was dressed appropriately for the situation." "Yeah, but..." He said, scratching the back of his head, and looking away from me. If not for the dim red light in the room, I almost mistake the shade on his cheeks as a blush. Or maybe it was. "But?" I urged. "You're married." I rolled my eyes. "Oh, please. I've gone out in much less clothing. Remember that—’’ Michael cleared his throat, cutting me short. "Not like that. What I meant was," I continued. "It's not like anyone recognized me.’’ "But your husband did.’’ I groaned, slumping down on a chair. "Don't even bring that up," I said, taking my gun from the holster around my thigh and placing it on the table in front of me. The last time I saw Killian was five months ago. We never met up or spent the holidays together. It was just us living separately and going about our lives. He traveled around doing what he knew how to do, while I worked myself off just to get a lead on Moretti’s case. I’d almost forgotten about his existence until I saw him tonight. Seeing him brought back a lot of memories and feelings I would rather forget. "Okay, I won't." Michael laughed. " Still, I was surprised you were able to blend in so easily. It was almost as if you were a part of their world." I smiled. Michael didn't know much about me. About who I was before, or the type of family that I came from. All he knew was the Natalia that was in front of him. And as far as I was concerned, that's all he needed to know. All I needed him to know. After Michael left my office, I began to pack. Chief had called back to tell me to head home early, and although I wasn’t in the mood, I didn’t protest. I had just finished packing the last of my belongings when the sound of something falling to the ground with a ping caught my attention. I glanced down, at the small silver band on the floor. I picked it up, watching it glisten in the light. "Right. I forgot," I mumbled. Staring at my wedding ring like it was the strangest thing I’d seen today. Wearing it wasn’t a habit of mine. What was the point anyway? When the marriage itself was nothing but a sham. A fake. A contract deal made by both of our families. One that benefited them. And even though Killian had made it clear that he had no plans to annul the marriage, it didn't change the fact that he didn't care. My fingers grazed over the ring, a bitter smile tugging on my lips. We were not in love. In the four years since we got married, there was not a single moment when he said or done anything to indicate that he for once cared. He'd barely acknowledged my existence, and whenever we did meet, which was rarely, his actions only proved just how little he cared. The words he said to me on our wedding night were, ''Let's keep things civil." And so I did. For four years, I kept things civil. Acting like the wife I had to be when the public eye demanded it. But that was all to it. I tried to make things work. But it was hard. Tonight, however, he'd surprised me. His actions and the look in his eyes. There was no way I was wrong. I knew what I saw. He cared. Or at least, that's what I thought. Maybe it was wishful thinking on my part. Maybe, I had just imagined it. I could not help the way my heart squeezed painfully at the thought. The day Killian and I met, had been the happiest day of my life. It was also the day that led to my whole world falling apart.
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