5. Aliens from Mars.

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Bess. "Bess, pretty." Someone gently shakes my shoulder. "Bess." I wake up from the dream where a couple of adorable little puppies were playing with me, running through the green meadow of the park while I was behind them. "Aaron?" I ask when I manage to see his blue eyes meet mine. "What happened?" "You fell asleep". His words immediately make my eyes widen. I sit properly on the sofa, lifting my head from his legs. When did I get to that position? Or worse still, why did I allow myself to fall asleep on a stranger who could very well do with me what he wanted? But one look into his blue eyes, and I know I'm safe with him. It is so rare and new what I feel in his presence. And the thing is, holy s**t, I'm aware that I haven't known him for more than twenty-four hours. But in this short time that we have spent together, he has shown me kindness, respect and affection. More than anyone has ever offered me. For the first time I felt what it is to have someone care about me. "Sorry," I stretch my arms out to my sides as I smile lazily. "What time is it?" “It's going to be ten o'clock,” he says, glancing at his expensive silver watch. Wow, I didn't think it was this late. I wrinkle my nose at the sneeze that wants to escape me, but finally I'm not able to hold it in and soon the funny sound escapes my mouth. "Sorry," I murmur again, bringing my hands to my mouth as I feel myself blush. Aaron looks at me, if my imagination isn't taking me too far, with eyes full of tenderness. “Why don't you go and brush your teeth while I find you a warm sheet for tonight? You think?" I grin with all my teeth as I nod excitedly. I never had a mother send me to brush my teeth every night, I learned that on my own. You know, personal hygiene and all that. I also didn't have anyone worrying that I have a good blanket to keep me warm while I sleep. Now, listening to Aaron, I feel an incredible urge to scream, but I control myself because I don't want him to think I'm a crybaby. I'm not. I stand up quickly and run into the bathroom. I take my time brushing my teeth, loving the taste of the toothpaste on my tongue. When I'm done, I smile in front of the mirror, looking at my smile. Without the dirt on my face and hair, and without the scruffy clothes I was wearing, I look like a new Bess. I can swear my eyes sparkle brighter and the thought that I'm going to sleep in a soft, cozy bed with sheets that keep me warm brings more sparkle to my brown eyes. I look behind me at the basket where the dirty clothes I took off before taking a shower are, and I go in search of my coat to get out the razor that has been my faithful companion for years. And I look at it there, in my hands, thinking about whether it's a good idea to take it with me or not. You're safe with me, pretty. Aaron's words replay over and over in my head, and before I even notice, I've already put the knife back in my coat. I don't need her, not with him by my side. I walk out to the bedroom Aaron told me was for me and when I walk in, I find him laying a big, fat sheet over the foot of the bed. Immediately, I walk towards him without taking my eyes off the sheet. As I run the back of my hand across the warm softness of the fabric, Aaron watches me with a smile, calmly detailing my movements. “It's so soft,” I murmur, feeling like I'm in a daze. “Come on” he points to the bed with a slight movement of his head. "To the bed". With his help, I get into the big comfortable bed and rest my head on that pillow that seems to be cotton. Oh, everything is so soft, so different from the uncomfortable chairs in the central park where I was sleeping just yesterday. I'm sure today will be the best night of my life. My eyes fall to Aaron as he unfolds the sheet and pulls it over my body, covering it and giving me warmth on this cold night. I watch as his hand reaches out to me, then his soft touch is felt on my cheek. A tender caress that touches the most recondite bit of my heart. I lean into his touch as I close my eyes, my reaction coming on instinct. "Bess, pretty," I open my eyes when he calls out to me. He smiles at me and I smile back. "Yes?" "Do you need anything else?" I bite my lip hard, not knowing if it's daring to ask her what's going through my head. Perhaps for anyone it can be something childish, but, nevertheless, for me it is something that I have always dreamed of. "Can you kiss me goodnight?" My request surprises him, I know because his eyes widen before he closes them tightly. When he reopens them, the sky blue has changed to a midnight blue. His eyes again darkened a few shades. I watch him intently, waiting for him to place his lips on my cheek or forehead. Either place is fine with me, really. But I'm surprised when he slowly brings his face closer to mine, resting his forehead on mine as his nose teases mine tenderly. A small laugh escapes my mouth, however, my sound stops when his breath mixes with mine. "Good night, pretty". And finally, with one last play of his nose with mine, he lifts his lips to my forehead and leaves a small kiss there. "Good night, Aaron." When he leaves, I allow myself to close my eyes as a smile stays on my lips. And I fall asleep, not worrying about anything other than keeping that sheet warm my body all night. [...] The next day I wake up because of a lot of screams that I hear outside. I open my eyes, feeling a little taken aback by where I am. But then I remember everything and an inexplicable calm invades my body. Aaron. I get to my feet, following the cries of what appears to be a man and a girl. When I walk into the living room, I'm met by a man around the same age as Aaron. His green eyes meet mine and then a cry escapes his lips. "I knew it!" He looks me up and down. “It's beautiful, Aaron! Damn unhappy piece of shit...” The strong blow that Aaaron gives him in the jaw sends him reeling back and further messing up his already messy brown hair. Holy s**t, what happened here? On the other hand, the red-haired girl who is probably the same age as me runs up to me and looks at me with sparkling eyes. And at the moment, I feel like a lab mouse being tested for the next experiment. "Hey…" I mumbled, taking a step away from her. "You are scaring me..." "I'm Christina, but you can call me Chris" she reaches out her hand to me, but I don't take it because she really scares me a little. “We will be great friends!” She screeches, then smiles, showing straight, perfect white teeth. I take another step back. But then the boy who was hit earlier, shoves the girl away slightly and stands in front of me, looking at me with his jaw slightly red from the hit. And I get more scared. "Aaron!" I yell and push my way through the brown boy to get to him. Immediately, I take cover behind his back and peek behind him at the two weirdos standing in the middle of the room, staring at me. Aaron's hand reaches back and holds my hip in a firm grip, calming me down. "Who are they?" I ask. "Are they going to take me away from you?" I shriek. "Don't let them take me away from you..." "Bess, no," he whispers over his shoulder for me to hear. "They're friends, they won't do anything to you." "Are you sure?" I insist. "She smiles a lot," I point to the girl who keeps smiling at me. "And that's weird." “Christina, stops smiling,” Aaron growls at her. "You're scaring her, for God's sake." She rolls her eyes at him in what appears to be annoyance and that only makes Aaron growl loudly. I hold his hand on my hip, holding on to him as the brown boy approaches me. What in the hell are they looking at me? "Stop looking at me, aliens from Mars!" I scream, losing control. "It's impolite, rude and creepy as f**k!" And just like that, everyone bursts out laughing in front of me. Aaron turns and wraps me in his arms, his laugh crashing into my hair, but the truth is, I don't find this funny. “Don't let them take me away from you,” I ask as I grip the material of his white t-shirt tightly. "Please". "No one is going to take you away from me" he breaks away and takes my hand, leading me towards the weird green-eyed redhead who is smiling too much for my own nerves. "She is Christina, Evan's sister. Evan is my best friend" points to the man who is still laughing. "She's going to take you shopping for clothes or anything you need." "I do not have money..." “But I do,” Aaron interrupts me, holding out a card to the weird girl. “There's enough money in there for you to buy her what she needs, Christina. Whatever Bess wants, you give it to her. The key is my birthday." She nods, now looking at me curiously. Then she seems to remember something as she hands me the bag that she carries in her hand. “I assumed you didn't have any clothes so I brought you some of mine,” she says, still looking at me. I look at Aaron, waiting for him to tell me if I should accept or not. He nods, however, I look a bit reluctant to accept anything from her. “I have clothes” i complained. “I can put that one on and…” "I wasn't going to use it anymore," she cuts me off. “So it really isn't a bother for me to give you this. Besides, you will only wear it for today because we are going to buy you new clothes.” I startle when she reaches out to take my hand and forces me to hold her bag. It's not lost on me that she gives my hand a loving little squeeze before letting me go. Okay, nothing weird is happening. “Aaron” I glance at him sideways, feeling cross-eyed as I try to keep an eye on the man and redhead as well. "You don't have to buy me anything..." "How about you pay me when you're working?" He proposes to me. "You need the clothes for the job I'm going to get you, Bess." "But…" "Bess, pretty," he says softly, and somehow those simple words make me give in. "Then you pay me." I nod, not seeing any other option because I know he's right. I need the clothes. "You" I point to the boy who looks with some amusement at the situation. "Evan?" I ask, remembering that Aaron told me that was his name. "At your command, pretty," he says the last word with a sneer, looking at Aaron. "Evan," Aaron warns next to me. "Look in another direction and talk in a direction other than Bess." The harsh warning in his voice only makes Evan smile with more amusement. "What do you want to tell me, Bess?" Asks the weird man, ignoring Aaron. "Yes," I nods, remembering what I had to tell him. "You seem very strange to me, so I would really appreciate it if you would stop smiling and looking at me that way" I twist my lips. "You give me chills." Her sister's laugh fills the room, but I turn to look at her and say, "I'm sorry, but you scare me too." And then she stops her laughter for a second, and then laughs harder again. "Where did you get it, Orangutan?" She asks Aaron between laughs. "I swear I already love her." And I smile because it is the first time that a person tells me that they love me. I move away from Aaron and walk over to her, looking at her more closely. "I still don't love you" I'm honest. "But maybe I can do it." And suddenly, when she smiles at me again, her smile doesn't scare me anymore. I have never had a friend. But maybe it's about time I got it.
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