Chapter Four

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I raced across town as fast as my legs would run to get to my shift at the bowling alley, Elise was running along beside me puffing as he unicorn back pack bounced up and down on her back.  I always took her with me if I was on an early shift as our father would most likely still be passed out on the couch and I didn't want her sat at home by herself.  What if the house caught fire or she fell and hurt herself? It was very unlikely our dad would wake up so I never took the chance. Skidding to a halt at the double glass doors, I pulled them open, ushering Elise inside, picking her up and placing her on one of the high bar stools that surrounded the bar that enclosed the food area, which is where I worked.  I'd spend my evenings making toasties and pouring milkshakes for my peers.  The bowling alley was the favourite hang out for most of the student population, Three games and a round of hot dogs for $15 on week nights meant that the place was always packed. Slipping behind the counter I gave my supervisor an apologetic smile, 'I'm sorry Mary-Anne, Elise got out a little late, we ran as fast as we could' I said ruefully. Turning her eyes to my sister, Mary-Anne's gaze softened, she had a real soft spot for my sister, 'Hey sweetie!' she said walking over to Elise who was rifling through her bag for her homework book and a pen. Looking up she gave a big grin, 'Hiya Mary-Anne' she replied happily. 'You look tired my munchkin' Mary-Anne said kindly to her. Pouting Elise nodded, 'Miss Atkins made me late so we had to run all the way to get here for Brandon's shift, my legs are all sore now' she said lifting her leg up as if we could see how tired they were. Chuckling Mary-Anne leaned on the counter, 'Well it just so happens that I know the only thing that can ease sore, over run legs' she confided, 'Your brothers famous Raspberry Ripple Milkshake' Squealing excitedly, Elise turned her hopeful eyes to me, 'Can I have one Brandon? pleeeeeease?' she asked as my heart melted. 'Of course angel' I said smiling at her, trying to count in my head how much money I had in my pocket to be able to buy her one. As Mary-Anne walked past me I tapped her arm, 'umm Mary-Anne, would you be able to take the milkshake out of my pay this week? I don't think I have enough on me' I muttered embarrassed. Giving me a small smile, Mary-Anne winked, 'This one is on me Brandon, you make my faourite customer a milkshake and don't you go skimping on the squirty cream because I will be checking' she said playfully as I gave her a grateful grin. Setting the machine going, I wiped down the counter as it whirred behind me, answering a few of Elise's homework questions as I poured her milkshake into a glass and added a generous topping of whipped cream, topping it of with some crumbled chocolate and a straw.  My heart wanted to burst out of my chest as I watched her face break into a beam that seemed to extend beyond her face, taking the glass carefully and having a small sip, her face glowing like this was the best day of her life. My attention was shattered as a sneering voice broke into my thoughts, 'Oi psycho, are you going to serve us or do I need to tell the management that you refused service to your future Alpha?' Rolling my eyes internally I turned around to be confronted with Jordan, his friends Max and Rupert either side of him whilst Jayden and her posse were stood behind them looking bored.  'Of course Jordan, what can I get you?' I asked politely, plastering a fake smile on my face. 'hmmm, I think we will have 6 ham and cheese toasties, two vanilla milkshakes, one chocolate, one strawberry and two raspberry ripple' Jordan replied.  I knew he was just throwing the fact he had unlimited money into my face but I kept my expression pleasant as I repeated his order back to him. 'Would you like to wait, or would you like me to deliver it too your lane?' I asked  'You can bring it too our lane's, earn your pittance for a change' Jordan sneered before turning on his heel and walking back to the lanes, seating himself on one of the sofa's that was in front of lane 3, the girls sitting opposite in front of lane four. Busying myself with their order I felt Elise's eyes on me, looking up I gave her a quizzical look, 'what's up buttercup?' I asked playfully, giving her a big smile. Playing with her straw, Elise dropped her eyes slightly making me nervous, 'hey' I said walking over to her, 'what's up? you can tell me' Raising her eyes, her gaze studied my face for a moment, before she asked quietly, 'why does Jordan call you psycho?' A little shocked that she had overheard I forced a grin as I waved my hand dismissively, 'ahh that's just Jordan, he's only joking Angel, don't you worry about it, he was just being silly.' I said lightly. Nodding her head, Elise still looked unsure but decided to drop it, her attention returning to the math problems that were on her homework sheet, her brow furrowing as she tried to work out the sum. Piling two trays with Jordan's order, I made my way carefully over to the group, stepping between them to place the food onto the table that was bolted to the floor between the two seating areas, as I reached the table a foot suddenly caught between my ankles, tripping over the two trays flew out of my hands covering the lanes with milkshake and sandwiches, a small river flowing off the polished wood into the gutters that made their way down to the ball retrieval. Looking up slowly, I met Jordan's triumphant gaze before he raised his voice and started to shout at the top of his voice. 'What do you think you are doing you clumsy ass hole, look at our lanes? I want to speak to your supervisor right now!' he growled, his eyes glaring at me with malice. Sighing deeply, I got to my feet, turning round to get Mary-Anne who was already making her way over, taking in the scene, her eyes hardened, 'what is going on here?' she asked coldly. Jordan jumped straight in, 'Your employee just threw our food down the lanes' he stated angrily. turning to face me, Mary-Anne raised her eyebrow inquiringly to which I shook my head, 'No it was an accident Mary-Anne, I tripped over and dropped the trays, I'll go get a mop immediately and clean it all up, we can move this group to lanes seven and eight as the previous group has just finished.' I added quickly. Nodding her head, Mary-Anne returned her gaze to Jordan who was watching the exchange, a look of annoyance on his face.  'My apologies future Alpha, if I can move your group too lanes seven and eight, i'll remake your order on the house to compensate for the inconvenience' she said smoothly, beckoning to the girls to follow her as Jordan stood up his face sullen. Banging into me as he walked past, Jordan hissed in my ear quietly, 'You may have wormed out of it this time psycho, but I don't think Mary-Anne is going to want to keep an employee who makes as many mistakes as you do.' he hissed vehemently before following his friends out of the area. Heaving a sigh, I flicked the switch under the score card, turning off the ball retriever before going to grab some paper towels and a mop, coming back and stemming the flow toward the mechanism with the towels and wiping up the two lanes until they were pristine again. Turning back to the counter, I put away the cleaning supplies and continued to serve until my shift was over, as I went to step out of the food prep area and go to collect Elise, Mary-Anne's hand caught around my arm, stopping I faced her warily.  Meeting my eyes Mary-Anne's lips thinned as she pushed them together before speaking, 'Brandon, I know you didn't trip accidentally, I know Jordan tripped you' she said quietly. Swallowing hard I looked at the floor, 'it's ok Mary-Anne, I know where I stand with him.' Glowering slightly she nodded, 'I just wanted you to know that though that boy is pretty much untouchable, I am aware of who and what he is and I will not be firing you because of his little vendetta' she said viciously before letting me go and motioning me to go take my sister home.
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