Chapter 4 - Respect

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Chapter 4 Victory can be its own bitter defeat. -Unknown "Hell yeah! WOOOOOHO!!" Nate suddenly howled like the Wolf that he was from across the mats. Brandon turned his way as he shouted and then Brandon smiled as he watched Nate running across the room towards him and for a moment Brandon had to shake the crazy image he had of a large grey wolf, tongue lolling out of its mouth running right for him. Walter and Ezekiel weren't far behind. Nate jumped into the air just before he got close and Brandon laughed as he watched him clear five feet of air effortlessly. He skidded to a stop next to Brandon and gave him a very enthusiastic punch in the arm that made Brandon stumble to the side. Nate smiled at him in apology as Brandon rubbed away the pain, then he watched as Nate walked over to his table bound brother. Careful not to get within his reach, Nate preceded to taunt him. "Wow its 2 and 0 for you today Lander. First Walter and now....?" Nate laughed at him heartily. "Candy pants rules! Looks like brain beat brawn today, huh?" He said looking away from Lander towards Walter. Lander roared in impotent fury and cussed him. Walter nodded and graced Brandon with one of his rare smiles. "Good job." he said. "I was surprised. You're extremely fast for a mortal and you think well on your feet, maybe next week Ill spar with you instead of these fools?" Brandon nearly choked as he stared up at the large man. Brandon knew that he wouldn't even know where to begin. Walter was huge and way to grounded. "But your huge, I cant beat you in a fight!." Brandon blurted out backing away. Walter smiled again and chuckled. "You didn't beat Lander, but you did out smart him." he pointed out. "Perhaps a game of chess will be a better battle ground for you and me?" Brandon nodded. "Yeah, sure." Brandon was genuinely relieved and surprised that he had impressed the large brother at all. Nate walked over to the weapons table and grabbed a small golden key from among the pile. He walked over to Landers cuffed hands and after a moment he had him free of the silver cuffs. Lander rubbed his bloody wrist smearing the blood. Then he walked up to Brandon. He paused a moment and Brandon worried that he was going to enact some horrid revenge. But then he put his hand out and after mentally checking to make sure that his energy was under tight wraps Brandon shook it. "Nice job with the hand cuffs..." Lander said heavily, releasing Brandon's hand quickly. "Even though we both know I'm stronger then you...." "Lander!" Ezekiel and Nate both growled at him in clear warning. Lander held his hands up in surrender. "Okay! I'm sorry for all the queer jokes and for saying that I'm better then you..." Lander tipped his head forward in a small bow of apology. "Your all right...for a queer." Nate rolled his eyes and Ezekiel hissed, but Brandon just shook his head. Brandon laughed at Landers half-assed apology and said. "Huh, I guess that will have to do...?" He said to himself. Then with a shake of his head Brandon decided to concede. " But I guess for a Homophobe you sure do have your moments of decency." "I try...I try real hard." Lander shrugged without any further inflection. "Welp! I'm hungry." Nate barked suddenly stretching his arms above his head. Giving Brandon a full view of his chest and well defined smooth stomach. And just like that, now that all the adrenaline was fading away Brandon realized that he was standing in a room full of half clothed great looking men. Great looking men he barely found himself attracted too. It was the darndest thing. Brandon wondered if he was just so stressed that his libido was sorely diminished. But even though all of Ezekiels brothers were handsome to him he realized that he felt no attraction to any of them. They were all great guys, but for some reason Ezekiel was the only one who made him feel uncomfortable. He was the only one Brandon wanted to touch. The only one he wanted to let touch him. Lander put his arm across Nate's shoulders and hugged his head down in a playful grapple. "Hey, I'm hungry too....let's go fire up the grill. I'd kill for a slab of bloody ribs right now." Nate was pulled along as Lander headed towards the Sparing room's exit. With Walter following close behind a smile spread across his face for the first time that Brandon could remember. It startled him greatly to behold it and he forced himself not to stare as the eldest brother moved away. "I want my ribs extra raw. No burning them this time..." Walter called out as he tailed his siblings out of the room entirely. "Lander you know I'm talking about you right...?"
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