Chapter 17-2

1727 Words

An hour later, Lina sat on a crate and rested her head against the wall as she watched Mechelle and Bailey quiz Edge about life on Rathon, the Trivator home world. She hoped Edge didn’t realize that they were also asking pertinent questions to help them understand if the risk they had taken was the right one. Deep down, Lina’s gut told her it was right despite the complexity of the situation between them. “So, you know how to fly spaceships?” Mechelle asked. “Like all kinds of spaceships or just Trivator ones?” Edge frowned. “I can fly anything that has been made. The dynamics of most ships are the same,” he replied. “What is life like on Rathon? I mean, do all the women have to bow down to the men or do they have some say in what goes on?” Bailey asked. Lina’s lips twitched at Edge’s

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