Chapter Twelve:

2958 Words

Kyle’s POV: I am stuck in a dark, ominous forest. I look down and see I am in my wolf form, as Ty’s light, brown paws are smashed against the never ending mudded ground. I want to shout out to see if anyone is around me, but my wolf, Ty, only lets out a whimper. I can smell the ashed earth, the crumbled mortar and the raw, eaten flesh around me and a hot, thick blanket of heat clutches at my fur. In the distance, cutting through the dark, I can see the burning blaze of Dark Moon and my eyes cannot peel way from the screaming wolves and the cries of pups. I want to run, but my legs cannot move. Mixed into the chaos of the scene, my eyes catch a glimpse of a blonde haired, green eyed she-wolf, stuck behind a window. The window belongs to one of the buildings that are engulfed in flames. Th

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