After talking for a moment with the man on the phone, Fidel hung up the call and turned to Rusty. "I'll go for the money. If you help me get her to Sofia, I'll give you 200 thousand more" "No, that's enough. I don't want any more of your dirty money" Rusty exclaimed with a look of contempt. Fidel didn't really care about Rusty's words, he just smiled slightly "Take it or leave it? I only invited you out of cordiality...". Rusty felt quite surprised at Fidel. He even felt sorry for Sofia and Gabriel. It must be hell to have a father like Fidel. Meanwhile Sofia's gaze was set coldly on Fidel. He promptly led Sofia to the entrance of the hotel. On the way he felt satisfied, after all, Sofia had remained totally silent. However, she didn't look so attractive with the tape over her mou