At the Spark mansion, there were not only Ithan and Iveth's parents, but also Megan. After all, Megan's family and the Spark family had been partners for generations. Megan was gentle, calm and polite, and that was something Mira valued highly. After greeting Dixon and Zamira, Megan knew it wasn't appropriate for her to be in a family discussion, so she lowered her gaze and with an embarrassed tone turned to Zamira "I want to apologise for interrupting. It's just that I've come to bring you some golf clubs that I bought for the Dixon sexes abroad. I'm sure they'll like them!" Megan added charmingly. "Oh, how lovely! He's in the garden. I'm sure he'll be very happy to see you after all this time!" said Zamira. The meeting was supposed to be to discuss the engagement between Ithan and