A couple of days after the riot, KG O'Djeca was again involved in a big fuss. "Oh god! Mr. Spark is very much in love with Miss Diana Willis. He sure did it for her!" comments were heard. "He's so adorable! He obviously wants to increase Miss Diana's prestige. I'm so envious of him!" "I don't think so. Mr. Spark said it's a general thing, so it's not just for Miss Diana!" "Don't be silly! Can't you see that Mr. Spark is only doing this for her? He has been very generous to KG O'Djeca. Anyone with two fingers on their head can see that!" The comments continued for a couple of minutes more. But, after Bryan heard that news, he was left reeling in thought for a couple of minutes. As an executive and editor-in-chief, Brian had met with Diana a couple of times. And yet, he didn't feel t