Den of devil!

2888 Words

Nessie: (The complete part elaborated in 2nd chapter of this book) It's been six hours since he left, I hugged my knees tightly and closed my eyes. Many thoughts were running through my mind, I wish could exaggerate the condition of my heart. While signing the marriage papers, mistakenly I spilled water over the wedding certificate, his Secretary was horrified to see the ruined papers but Leonard was as chilled as snow. *The papers don't matter to me, as now she belongs to me and now no power in this world can snatch her from me** He said those words by gripping my waist so painfully that his grip had left a bruise over my waist. I sighed wiping my tears, then looked at the wedding ring which he had pushed into my finger so brutally. Yesterday night: Seeing my only brother lying o

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