#CHAPTER 7: The Challenge

1264 Words

Ava POV I’m not a violent person, but I desperately wanted to walk over to Ethan and smack that smirk off his face. It didn’t help that Chris was obviously shocked at my ex’s announcement. “We’ve been bonded since childhood,” Ethan said next. “We’ve served the Pack side-by-side for over a decade. I couldn’t just sever our bond like that.” He spread his hands. “We’re fated to be mates. Marrying Olivia was just a necessary step, a means for me to serve the Pack as best I could. She insisted on it, but I never wanted it.” “Uh-huh,” I said, or something like that. I couldn’t hear myself all that well over the ringing in my ears. “If you let yourself, you will be able to feel the bond still stretched between us,” he said. “It will take little effort to reinstate it.” I blinked at him, rea

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