
Dimitri's Wrath


***Sequel To My Brothers Mate***

Dimitri Vasquez is every girls dream.

He's handsome, smart, incredibly rich and he's the future alpha of the Dark Shadows pack, he's also a very loveable and compassionate young man with a particular soft spot for the women in his life including his mother, sisters and grandmothers but at the end of the day he's still his father's son and just like Cole, Dimitri has also got an anger problem and a darkness deep within him that nobody is prepared to mess with once he's tapped into it.

Dimitri is living a perfect life and is excited for the day that he gets to meet his mate and take over his parents as the alpha of his pack alongside his brothers but his perfect life is about to be turned upside down when during a family vacation to Hawaii, Dimitri's younger sister Isabella is kidnapped by the alpha of the Red Claw pack who is obsessed with her and he finds more than he expected when he goes to save her.

There's nothing more important to Dimitri than his family and when you mess with his family then you should consider yourself a marked man or woman because he won't stop until you're dead, he also has a strong hatred for those who harm women and children so how will he react when he finds his mate in a cell with his sister and discovers what she's been put through by her pack? will he let things slide like Nina wants? or will he fight to get revenge for his mate and sister?.

The Red Claw pack needs to watch out because they're about to start a war against some of the strongest packs in the world including the Royal pack and the Dark Shadows pack but worst of all they're about to meet Dimitri's wrath, I hope they're ready.

You don't necessarily have to read My Brothers Mate first to understand this one but it'd help if you did.

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BANG!!, THUD!!, SMASH!!, CRASH!!, c***k!!. "AAAHHHHH!! f*****g BASTARDS!!" SMASH!!. I was so lost in my own world that I didn't hear the door to my father's office being opened and didn't realise my parents were here until I heard my mommas angry and I mean very angry voice shouting at me in her own unique way. "Demetrius Angelo Vasquez, I swear to the moon goddess if you smash another one of my expensive ornaments then I'm gonna smash your head through the nearest window, those things cost me a bluddy fortune" My momma growled at me whilst giving me her infamous Natalia Vasquez glare. Normally my ass would be running as fast as I can and as far as I can away from my ma whenever I see this glare but right now, I'm way too pissed off and agitated to listen to my brain which is telling me to run and run fast. "Sorry ma, I didn't realise your stupid ornaments were more important than me and my mate" I growled in anger which I quickly regretted, not only because my momma looked hurt from hearing my words but also because my father looked like he was about to make minced meat out of me. "Watch your f*****g tongue boy and don't ever speak to your mother like that again, do you f*****g understand me?" "It's ok, Cole" My momma said whilst looking at me as she placed her hand on my father's bicep to calm him down. "Dimitri sweetheart, I understand you're hurting right now and nobody in this room understands more than me and your dad what it's like to feel like you're losing your mate but you need to remain calm ok, lashing out and getting angry isn't gonna help anybody" "I can't keep calm ma, I'm way too pissed off to be calm because not only is my beautiful precious mate unconscious in the infirmary having emergency surgery performed on her because of what those assholes did to her but the two f*****g bastards who dared to harm both my mate and my sister have managed to f*****g get away from us...AAHHH!!" I growled in pain when I felt a smack on the back of my head. "Oi dickhead, what did I tell you about speaking to your mother like that?" I let out a sigh. "You told me not too" "Exactly...now if you do it again then next time it'll be me and you fighting in the ring, I'm not playing here Dimitri" I drop my head and let out another sigh. "Sorry dad" "It's not me who you have to apologise too son, it's your mother" Urgh!!, he's right. I stand up from my seat and go over to my momma giving her a hug and a kiss on her temple. "I'm sorry, ma" "You're forgiven, baby" My mother said with a loving smile as she cupped my face and kissed my cheek. "Now look baby, I know you're worried, we all are...Nina is your mate which means she's our family now, not to mention sweetheart that our own daughter is laid up that hospital as well, remember?" "I know ma, it's just..." I let out a breath. "This is my mate and my baby sister we're talking about here, two people I vowed to protect and I failed them" I said in a defeated tone as I slumped back down in my seat. "How did you fail them, Dimitri? none of us knew that pathetic alpha had a hard on for Izzy which trust and believe me, son, if I'd have known then I would've made sure she was very well protected in Hawaii until I put an end to him myself and as for your mate....well, you can't protect what you never had so don't blame yourself for what that poor girl has been through because it's not your fault" I look over at my father confused. "What do you mean, dad?" My dad gave me a look which I couldn't decipher as he leaned forward so that he was resting his arms on his legs and he had his hands clasped together tightly. My dad has always been an intimidating man from his looks all the way down to his personality and he hasn't changed a single bit over the years. He's still a very strong and powerful alpha but right now, I don't see that physically intimidating alpha wolf who can strike fear into the hearts of others, right now, I'm seeing my compassionate father who is showing how worried he is for not only myself and Izzy but also for my mate. "What I mean son is that...before all of this happened with Isabella, you never had a mate, you and your brothers were the biggest manwhores ever since myself and your uncle Ange..." A throat clearing interrupted my father. We both looked over at my momma who was glaring a hole in my father's head. Uh oh, s**t's about to hit the fan. "I..I mean since your uncles, they were all manwhores, they were way worse than me" My momma scoffed whilst rolling her eyes and I chuckled. "Pfft worse...baby, you were such a w***e back in the day that you make Harry Styles look like a virgin" What the f**k?. I almost spat my drink out everywhere after hearing what my momma had said but instead, I ended up almost choking on it. "Dang momma, you couldn't let me swallow first" I said whilst coughing to clear my throat. I really shouldn't drink when I'm around these two, they always end up saying or doing something which leaves me either having a coughing fit or spitting my drink out everywhere. "Hmm, where have I heard that before?" Eww!!. "COLE!!" "AAHHH!!, dammit woman" My dad yelped whilst rubbing the back of his head. "Dammit me again Cole and you'll be sleeping on the couch in the den for the duration" My father's eyes widened and his mouth gaped open. "You wouldn't dare, Nat" "Try me, sweetheart" My momma said with a smirk as my dads face fell. Anyone who knows my parents knows that they love and idolise each other and they also know that the one thing they both hate more than anything is being separated from each other especially my dad, he's the worst, he's like a kid who's had his favourite toy taken away from him. I remember when my momma was pregnant with Nik, Frankie and Izzy and she almost died when a rogue attacked her but luckily my GG managed to save her like the badass that she is. Anyway, my momma wasn't seriously injured but still, the attack was enough to put the fear of the moon goddess into my father who was terrified of losing my momma, it was the first time that I'd ever seen him truly scared. "Anyway like I was saying son, you only found out that Nina was your mate when you went to rescue your sister...how in the moon goddesses creation can you protect Nina from everything that she's been through when you hadn't even met her yet?" That's a good point. "I guess you're right, dad" I said whilst rubbing my forehead in frustration. "Of course I'm right, Dimitri...now look, I know mine and your mothers relationship wasn't exactly the easiest and I caused her a lot of pain so I guess I'm not one to talk...but there were times when other people hurt her and I had absolutely no f*****g clue about it and..." "We don't need to go into all of that Cole, for goddesses sake" My momma growled at my dad whilst giving him the stop talking look. "I'm not going into it babe, I'm just saying that there were things that happened to you that I didn't know about and when I did eventually find out about it, I was absolutely livid" "I know, I heard you put gramps into the hospital for a whole week after you found out what he did" I said whilst looking at my dad who turned to look at me with a smirk on his face. "Yer and I don't regret it either" "Jesus Cole" My momma growled whilst rubbing her forehead. BANG!!. "Jesus Grayson, where's the fire?" My momma asked my brother after he'd burst into the office like a bat out of hell. "Sorry ma, erm D you need to come with me now, it's Nina" "WHAT?" I shouted before storming out of the office and heading straight for the infirmary not giving a f**k if my parents and brother are following me or not. When I got to the infirmary, I ran straight to where I left Nina and I started to panic when I saw my other brother Massimo pacing whilst looking very worried himself. "Mass, where's Nina? is she ok? what's happening?" "Calm down, brother" "CALM DOWN? DID HE JUST TELL US TO CALM DOWN? OH HELL NO!!" My wolf growled not liking Massimo's response he then unleashed both of our anger's out on Mass who didn't seem fazed by it at all, I mean he was pissed that I shouted at him but he wasn't intimidated like some folk would be. "Calm down...CALM DOWN!!, HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO BE CALM, MASSIMO WHEN I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S f*****g GOING ON WITH MY MATE?" Massimo glares at me. "Because Dimitri, she needs you to be calm for her...the last thing she needs right now is for you to f*****g wolf out on her" He growls. I close my eyes and take a deep breath to calm myself down. Massimo's right, the last thing my mate needs right now is me being the big, bad, angry alpha wolf. She needs the calm Dimitri, not the angry, violent and hot-headed Dimitri. "How is she, Mass?" I ask my brother when I felt much calmer. My heart started to race when Massimo looked at me with pity and sadness and I just knew that what he was about to say, wasn't gonna be good. "It's not looking good brother, Nina's flatlined at least three times and the pack doctor doesn't think she'll make it if she flatlines again" WHAT?. "f**k!!" I growled angrily before punching the nearest wall. "Dimitri, calm down...you can't keep letting your emotions get the best of you" "It's easy for you to say dad, it's not your mate who is lying unconscious on a f*****g surgery table and fighting for her life, is it?" Shit. I knew I'd f****d up before I even finished my sentence but I was too angry to listen to my brain which was telling me to shut the f**k up. "Yer you're right son, it's not like I ever had to endure any hard times with your mother, did I? it's not like she ever flatlined on me or almost died trying to protect me and our pack, did she?" My father growled. "Cole calm down, Dimitri's just upset" "I know he is, babe but he needs to realise that he's not the first and sadly he won't be the last person to have this type of s**t going on with their mate and that nobody in this whole f*****g hospital knows exactly how he's feeling better than us" I wipe away my tears as I look over at my parents but no matter how hard I tried to stop them, the tears just kept on coming. "You're right dad, I'm sorry...I wasn't thinking" I take a deep breath. "It's just I..." I was interrupted by the sound of a very long and loud beep coming from Nina's room. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!. What the...oh f**k no.

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