Chapter 24

3033 Words

Jared Pov It’s hard to believe that moments ago we were about to...I honestly have no idea what we were about to do. I could still feel it, the piercing stare. Even when I was doing the dishes I could feel his eyes on the back of my head, making the hair on the back of my neck rise up. When I turned around I half expected him to be cleaning, not looking at me like...that. Those eyes, f*****g emerald eyes, piercing into me. Does he even realize how his eyes change? They go darker when he’s thinking, when he’s serious; and when he’s heated. Then the way he stared at me, unwavering gaze, pressing his cheek against my hand, allowing me to touch him. He...he initiated it. He did. I remember calling his name, watching his eyes shift, grow darker, melting me down to the core. I ran my thumb over

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