Chapter 20

2755 Words

Easton Pov     My mind was like helicopter blades, whirling around and around over and over again, never-ending. I sat there next to Jared, feeling his hand laced with mine and...I sighed. I should let go. I should be ripping my hand out of his. He said touch for touch, and it did seem fair but...I couldn’t help but feel like this wasn’t helping. The longer I held his hand, the more I didn’t want to pull away. Why did this have to feel so right? ‘Because you don’t want to let go, Easton. Because it is right. He’s our mate, after all.’ Aiden said.      I sighed, looking out the window. I could feel Jared absently rubbing his thumb over mine, brushing tingles through my body with every stroke of his finger. ‘It’s not right, Aiden. It’s a test. And the longer we drag this out, the longer we

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