Chapter 30

3302 Words

Dawn POV “No please” I beg stepping back “You are mine” he growls with an evil smile on his face “Leroy, please. I’m sorry” I beg again and the back of my legs hit the bed. I’m trapped “Help me!” I yell and he lands the first punch to my gut, letting the air whoosh out of my lungs, the pain flooding my abdomen. I bend over grabbing my stomach, gasping for air “You thought you could run from me?” he says in an angry low voice “No I-“ “Shut up!” he yells and his hand connects with my face. My head whips to the side and I fall “No!” I yell out and the next moment my body is shaking “Rory” but it’s not Leroy “Wake up babe” he says again and the room fades away as my eyes open. Two blue/grey eyes are looking at me “Hey, you had a nightmare” he says wiping at my cheeks and I realize I

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