Chapter 23

3711 Words

Jake POV “Sir he’s in recovery now, the surgery went well. But she’s still in surgery” she says and I nod “Thank you” I say and she walks away “He’ll be okay, but she’s still in there” I say and sit down again, Bullet is sleeping at mom’s feet. Yeah the hospital wasn’t happy about it but Millie explained that he is a military dog, so he won’t leave Grayson. “He’s screwed now” Millie says out of the blue and we look at her “Leroy, he screwed now. I hope they charge him here, and I’ll make sure the media makes a spectacle out of this” she says and I frown “He’ll twist it around, like he always does” mom says and I stand “Well let’s make sure that doesn’t happen. Rory will also be paraded but this might just be the last nail in his coffin” I say and they nod “Sir, he’s asking for you

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