Chapter 10 a couple of weeks

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Over the past few weeks everything has been a disaster packs where destroyed wolfs are being killed others wolf disappearing by Sara she was having so much fun using her dark power to destroy the world but no one can find where her hiding place is or the next thing that will happen. The werewolf world seemed so much dark, no happiness everyone planning how they will survive Sarah Pov Demon I am back now I’ve had a lot of fun killing also Xavier honey i missed you Xavier: i was here the whole time waiting for you Demon: thats good i’m glad for you how about we continue again this conversation later Xavier: love you see you later Elina her wolf : yuk he’s not my mate i don’t want him please listen to me i’m your wolf Lejla: dark wolf: i like him he’s more evil Dark Sarah: both of you stop anyway i need to get ready for the party tonight our date ( Sara kisses Xavier on the lips) see you later Lejla: Dark wolf: yummy i hope we can mate with him sooner cant wait anymore for him Dark Sarah: you know i’m still not ready yet to mate with him any time soon or anyone Leja: dark wolf: it would be amazing just imagine A few hours later Xavier hurry up we are gonna be late for our date party people are waiting Im here baby lets go now wrapping his arms around her this will be an amazing night During the party Sarah has been dancing drinking gotten really drunk by herself Couldn’t find Xavier she is getting evil and darker crazy hot The kingdom Pov Dan I cant believe we came to a party my mine is on my mate Sarah where is she, how to stop her Nial you can’t think about her all the time its bad for you everything will be okay my sister will come back to us on day very soon i promise. Nial kept on dancing talking drinking getting so drunk that his evil side takes control for the first time not knowing how to control the powers. Dancing i notice a familiar smell looking around my eyes land on a beautiful girl my mate looking hot Kormos: mate my evil mate finally I’ve found you getting all hot i started kissing her on the back Dark Sarah : mate turning around he looks sot damn good starting to get hot i lick my lips after that not being able to help myself i bit down marking him after that my mate does the same thing than we start making out the next twenty minutes we go to a hotel room making out again in our human form to hungry for each other Kormos : are you ready my mate to become mine tonight and for ever my love Dark Sarah: yess lets do it make me yours please hurry up my love don’t make me wait After her pleading they both had a wild hot night to remember their love that they wont accept The next Morning Nial woke up what happened getting up realizing i have no clothes on looking next to me i was shocked Sara oh no what have did i do being so drunk last night she wont forgive me. Dark Sarah : waking up realizing im naked with Nial next to me screaming ahh what happened everything came back to me last night drunk we mated the worse thing i’m not on birth control looking at my mate you will regret it than disappearing to my place to take a shower also to forget the night with my ex mate that will die. Nail: Running to the kingdom straight to take a shower next getting dressed mind linking Dan we need to talk i saw Sarah we mated big mistake Dan: what how can you bee so immature and forget the important thing relax nothing will happen since she wasn’t in heat meet me in the office. Im in so much trouble with my mate but now she must have my scent and i have hers maybe since we mated we can find her location now, smiling happy making my way to the office lets talk now we need to be more careful now the dark wolf can feel a connection now with me very strong Sarah Pov In the woods i’m killing wolfs with my powers burning them this is to much thinking about last night it was a wonderful night but i have Xavier he is more evil more fun after my plan it really wont mater who is with me,frustrated i started training with my powers for a couple of hours than i went to my room that we share with Xavier together Xavier: Dan that silly girl i really love her Im finally home baby how have you been Good good thinking about you pretty face now lets go to sleep they cuddle with each other falling asleep together their bodies closer touching. Next morning waking up i went to change ate and went to train with my powers after that i shifter into my red wolf running towards the woods before i know it the time is already 12 pm making my self back calling Xavier to meet me we are thinking about mating each other in a couple of days since i have already marked my ex mate wonder what will happen when Xavier sees the mark on my neck soon it will hurt to much. Hey baby didn’t realize you where gone how about we go and destroy some wolfs again Sounds fun to destroy them to release my dark powers now lets go before it gets late soon. Ahhhhhh couple hours later screaming where heard of some werewolf Sarah has murdered them bloody ripping them open after that she destroyed the last pack feeling happy but for some reason really tired exhausted she faints blacking out. A month later Sarah feeling sick all week I’m in bed tired not wanting to get out just sleep feeling exhausted and vomiting have no idea whats going on with me my wolf says she knows but wont tell me just yet for safety reason maybe its a cold i caught while training have not eaten or done anything but our plan is gonna happen in a couple of days so we need to prepare trying to get up slowly i feel nausea heading to the bathroom vomiting what’s happening to me lately after drinking tea gum feeling better going to the office to talk with demon now. You smell different sister very with a different scent these days stronger darker scent that i haven’t smelt before even your powers double dark but the reason your here is that we are gonna start the plan in a couple of weeks on monday on your mates sister birthday a gift from us. Hahaha thats sounds wonderful brother finally the day is coming where the darkness will take over been waiting to long to destroy them whats is the plan anyway will we kill them already finally. No sister we will kidnap your mates sister first What why can’t we just attack also im always asking my self what would happen if I returned would they still accept me as their queen my betrayal will that be forgiven but what am I thinking like this nonsense now lets talk about the plan still. The kingdom For the couple of weeks i couldn’t do anything especially sleeping thinking about the wonderful night with my mate avoiding even training today it just bothers me that i still can’t find her location, getting ready i went outside to meet everyone else. Dan hows the training going so far today Its going okay but we still have to prepare your sisters birthday no one knows you have a sister we will have to tell them tonight since she turned 18 for safety reasons damn everything is so overwhelming especially with my sister still being gone. I know Dan we need to find her soon sorry about the party night i was so drunk to stop her now i feel her emotions her powers they are much stronger different im still learning mine especially shifting into my dark and controlling for a month Thats good Nial but we need to do something quickly its been to long we need to stop her soon. But I haven’t gotten my wolf back so you will have to do it by your self with the help with the witch lets go meet her know so we can talk about this more to see what she wants to do what plan.

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