“Hey, Great One,” Evan shouted across the conversation to Akbar. “What you want, Rook?” he called back. Evan groaned. Krista smirked at him and he ignored the fact that he felt some strange urge to kiss it off her face. “Master Sergeant Krista claims not to have a tag. What’s up with that?” Maybe he could get the group to pick up the theme. “None of ‘em stick,” was all the help Akbar gave him. “We tried, lord knows,” Ox complained. “They just slide off the woman,” Nick the Greek replied. “They run away like the flames do when she faces down a fire. She don’t even have to fight it when she’s on a roll. Just glare and gone.” “Keep it up, though,” Akbar offered cheerfully. “She might stick you with ‘Rook’ permanent-like which would be funny as hell.” “I’m so afraid,” Evan did a woman