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I heard footsteps coming upstairs and I stood behind the door hoping they would start with my room so that I could drive the knife inside whoever came in first. I couldn't scream because that would scare the kids and especially Jayden. I needed my babies’ safe as my husband was already dead. I heard the kids’ bedroom door being kicked in and fear creeped in. i held my breath hoping he wouldn't search the room and find the kids but Jayden must have been so scared that when the door got kicked in he stormed out of the closet, I heard him cry and as I was about to walk out from behind the door and attack the guy who was in my kids’ bedroom I heard gun shots and at the same time the door to my bedroom was pushed and a man walked in. Everything was quiet. I stood behind the door with my hand on my mouth to prevent me from screaming because if the guy who called earlier wasn't joking when he said he would kill anything moving in this house, that meant my babies were already dead. I never thought that anyone in their right senses would kill a child or in my case children and I knew that even if they were found, no harm would come their way, they were just children who knew nothing about what was going on. I stood behind the door shaking but if I was going to attack this guy I had to give it my best shot. I had never killed anyone before but that was going to be my first time. When the guy was in, I tiptoed towards him and before he realized I was behind him, my knife had already landed deep in his stomach. It caught him off guard that he didn't even shout. I quickly took his gun and walked towards my babies’ bedroom. Jayden was lying in the middle of the room while Liam was still in the closet. I looked at them and my worst fears had been confirmed. My two babies were lying there in a pool of blood lifeless. They were dead! I felt a sharp pain cut through my stomach as tears that badly wanted to come out chocked me. From my kids room I could hear someone in my husband's study room and it's like he was looking for something in the drawers. I slowly walked towards the room and as I was headed out some one was coming up the stairs. I put my hand on the trigger and when he finished the last step I pulled the trigger and shot him. The gun had a silencer but the noise he made rolling down the stairs attracted the attention of the one who was in the study and he came rushing out. I shot him unexpectedly then all over sudden someone from downstairs shot at me. The bullet hit my arm then ran back in and locked myself in my babies’ room. I took a chair from Liam's study desk and threw it at the windows bringing it down. The guys were banging on the door and it being wooden, it was only a matter of time before they kicked it open. I looked out the window and decided to jump out since it wasn't so far from the ground. There was a back gate for all those houses and this was my only escape route. I didn't know how many these guys were, but I had killed two escaping with their guns so at least I had a weapon. When I landed on the ground I stepped on glass from the shattered window and it cut the sole of my foot as I was bare feet. I opened the back gate and as I got out I heard someone shout “she is escaping" The voice came from upstairs and then several bangs on the gate, those were not stones, they were bullets. I ran off with cuts from glass and stepping on the ground was such a hustle. My arm was bleeding I didn't know what next as I had no money on me and even if I was to board a bike to anywhere I couldn't see any. I was in a state of confusion...have you ever tried to scream shout or even cry but nothing comes out? That was me. From a distance, I could hear the police car; someone must have alerted them of what was going on. The tricky part was how to get to them before the guys got to me. I started running and when I was a few metres away i heard my back yard gate open and from far I could see a guy running to catch up with me. Thank God I participated in a hundred meters race back in high school because all he could see was wind blowing my blouse. I ran as first as I could and took a corner, there were some large trash bins like two minutes away and so I ran towards them and I pushed the lid up, it was heavy but I managed. I jumped in and slowly brought the lid down so that it couldn't bang and sell me out. I was the type of a person who would pass near a heap of trash and feel so disgusted maybe even start sneezing, this was not just a heap of trash, this was waste products from every single house in this block. It was the worst day since the waste had not been emptied. I had to suffer inside there and have an agreement with my nose not to even make an attempt of sneezing. Few seconds later I heard boots running around, whoever was after me must have lost me as I heard him cursing. It was dark outside and twice as dark inside the bin’s. I heard the police siren get even closer then the boots passed again, and then there was a sound from a car dangerously being driven and shortly after there were gun shots again. It must have been the police engaging in crossfire with them. When it was a little calm outside, I jumped out of the bin, coughed my lungs out and for a moment, I felt how important being able to breathe fresh air was... I hurried back to my house just to find the police already inside..they were examining the scene and collecting the bodies from inside. one id the cops held me but i broke free and ran to where they had placed my boys in a body bag and i broke down. i cried bitterly not knowing what Richard had really gotten himself into, something that brought death to the two people he would have protected with his life. i watch my husband and children's body being put in the police car, the two men i had killed were thrown in as well. They were being taken to the mortuary. i watched the car drobe out of the compound and as much as i wanted to run after it, My legs grew weak and I had to be supported back to the house with two police men. It had finally hit me that my husband and two sons were really dead...
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