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A few minutes later he was done and we drove back to his apartment. The guards were surprised to see us back after the show I had pulled earlier. I mean no one expected that i would come back.. we got to the house and we both headed for our rooms to catch some sleep because. I was too tired to hold another conversion and besides it was very late in the night.. The following morning, Jeremy woke up and prepared breakfast. he knocked on the bedroom door and asked me to go have some breakfast. I got up, washed my face, brushed my teeth then joined him at the table. Jeremy: how was your rest? me: I slept well. Jeremy: How is your feet and the bruise from the bullet? Me: much better. he stared at me for a while before taking a sip of his tea. Me: what is that look? Jeremy: Am worried about you. Me: I'm fine, Jeremy: you are not fine, you keep getting in trouble and am worried you might get yourself killed too. Me: unless you are willing to teach me how to fight and defend myself, it's your job to make sure I don't get killed. Jeremy: my job to make sure you don't get killed, who do you think i am...God?.. Me: I would not have gotten in this if you has told me the truth about my husband's shady businesses...... Jeremy thought his girlfriend's were crazy until he met me. we both went silent then a few minutes later a call came through his phone. it was Bosco. he received it and put it on loud speaker. Jeremy: Yes, Bosco: I need you to check in by four today, we need to discuss something important and I have a new target for you. Jeremy: understood. the call got disconnected and I stared at him real hard. Me: new target huh? he was quiet , I guess he didn't want to argue with me again. Me: were you part of the 30million cut? Jeremy: where is that coming from? Me: answer my question Jeremy Jeremy: No I was not, like I said, Richard decided to cut me off some parts of his life. he got up walked to the sink and pulled out his guns from under the sink. He had hidden them there when the police decided to run sac everyone's house. He came back and picked his laptop bag ready to leave. He gave me a strict warning not to leave the house. he had to go to work then later report at Bosco's hide out. how I wanted to go there and shoot all of them dead when they least expected it. I decided to adhere to Jeremy's command but just this once, we had been through enough trouble the previous day. The day dragged, the sound of women next door wailing and mourning the woman we killed reminded me of my babies, all over sudden I was so emotional and I cried my heart out. I had missed carrying Jayden in my arms, hearing him laugh and watch him play with his toys. Liam on the other hand would wash my car every weekend and in return I would give him a 100 shillings as his payment. he would take 10 shillings to church on Sunday, buy Jayden some sort of snacks called numbers and pipes then put 50shillings In his piggy bank and use the rest for his break at school. I had taught him to be responsible. I didn't want my kids to luck anything like I did but I also taught them how to be independent. sometimes he would brush his daddy's shoes and get 20 shillings for his piggy bank. Don't get me wrong mums, by giving them money for his saving did not mean he couldn't do anything else without being paid, I differentiated responsibilies and working for payment. I needed him to know that nothing comes for free and you can only enjoy the fruit of your labor.. After reminiscing my time with my boys, I took a shower, then later went next door to mourn with my fellow women. the girl who had accused me of murder the previous night apologized and was grateful that I had shown up. We talked and encouraged each other before l went back to Jeremy's apartment and after a short while, he walked in. He dropped on the couch and took a deep breath. I had already started preparing dinner and seeing him like that got me worried. I reduced the heat to the boiling rice and walked up to him. Me: Hi Jeremy: Hi Me: what's on your mind? I didn't know how to beat around the bush as I preferred going straight to the point. Jeremy: Bosco has you as my target. he wants you dead or alive. Me: I see, you are on my side right? Jeremy: that's not a question, but it won't stop him and his guys from killing you on sight and it's not like you have been making my life any easier. Me: so what next? Jeremy: if I had an answer to that I would have fixed this mess already. is the burial still on this Saturday? Me: yes Jeremy: Good, burry your family and get the hell out of this place. it will be safer for you that way. Me: No! he sat up and gave me a stern look. he got up and went to his bedroom to do God knows what. I went back to the kitchen to finish my cooking. I was troubled after hearing what Jeremy had said. he could have been worried about me but then what next after running? would that make everything okay? I honestly didn't care about what would happen to me. All I wanted was justice for my family. Half an hour later I called him to come eat. He came to the dining room but didn't touch his food. he was on his phone the entire time, if he wasn't making phone calls, he was responding to texts and if he wasn't doing any of those he was starting at me. this chatting thing became too much so I snatched his phone and dipped it in a jar full water right next to me. Jeremy: what the hell? if I were some little girl he would have slapped the hell out of me. Me: do I have your attention now? he didn't respond but had his eyes fixed on me. I guess that was his way of saying yes. Me: I guess i do now. what else happened in this meeting with Bosco? Jeremy: the guard and another guy called Chief will be helping me hunt you down. I don't know how to keep you safe and be in the group at the same time. Me: then leave the group. Jeremy: I can't. any sign of me being a traitor and they take me out. I have to play along and I have no more cards left to play. he got up without touching his food and walked back to his bedroom. I didn't see him again and my worry was that he was either afraid of dying or the other guys getting to me first. the night was long with alot of turning and tossing but I must have fallen asleep eventually. Friday was the day I got to restock my botique and with the way things had been the past few day, I haven't had time to do anything positive except for committing crimes. I took a shower, wore my jeans and a blue flowered top then walked out to make breakfast. I found Jeremy in the kitchen bare chest and a short that nicely displayed his hairy legs. he had a tattoo of a heart on his chest with a little baby on angel wings drawn on it. I stood there staring at him lost in my thoughts and the sound of him clearing his voice brought me back from my little fantasy. Jeremy: Richard never had them? Me: huh, what? ( alittle confused) Jeremy: the six packs. (he smiled) Me: oh! ( alittle embarrassed) he did. He serve the left over of yesterday's dinner in both our plates. Jeremy: Does the fact that I have no shirt on bother you? he asked after realizing i kept stealing glances. Me: yes Jeremy: well, get used to it because this is my house. ( smiling) Me: you are in a good mood. Jeremy: That doesn't mean that you are off the hook for turning my phone into a fish but then again the presence of a beautiful woman in pink lipstick is a turn on. I blushed a little realizing he was flirting with me. I didn't say another word as my smile was interrupted by an identified caller. the smile on my face was erased as worry creeped in. Jeremy: pick it. I did and put it on loud speaker. that was our new thing. Voice: hi aunty Linda, Me: hi, who is speaking? Voice: it's me Cece. Cecelia was the daughter to Richard's second born sister. she liked me alot despite the rest of the family treating me like trash. I always visited her at her campus and took her shopping and some money without the rest of the family knowing, but why was she calling with a strange number and why was she whispering? Me: yes Cece are you okay? Cece: yes, aunt Linda, I don't have much time. the burial for Richard and the kids has been set for today from 11pm. Me: what?( getting up from my sit) Cece: we were warned against telling you anything. this is my boyfriend's line. you can reach me on that. all our phones have been taken. Am texting you which cemetery we will be at. Me: thank you so much Cece. I will be there. Cece: aunty Linda, Me: yes Cece Cece: there will be tight security with a few policemen just incase you show up. Me: thank you for the heads up Cece. I disconnected the call then went inside the room and picked my handbag. I took one gun and tucked it at the back of my jeans then had the other one inside my bag. Jeremy had rushed into his room and he came back having worn jeans and a black shirt that complemented his skin color so well. he actually surprised me at how fast he was. Jeremy: What, you know I won't let you walk out that door alone right? I didn't respond but smiled. we were on our way out just to open the door and find a lady with her arm up ready to knock with two policemen behind her. Her: officer, arrest this man, he killed my sister!.......
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