“Twenty Nine”

1293 Words

“Twenty Nine”   Ben and his staff were back to Bangkok City by nine in the evening on a Sunday. He headed straight to his house after dismissing his employees who came with him to New York except for his head of security, Alex James. "Tell Crow's son to update me about Brandon in the morning." Ben told Alex soon as they arrived at the underground garage of building where the penthouse is located. "How about Finn? Do we need to go through with that?" Alex asked. Whatever his boss tells him to do, he doesn't have the right to rebuke nor defy even if he disapproves of the methods. So long as it's for the good of Ben's family. Ben nodded. "Go through with it. Tell Vincent to expedite it. Make it as inconspicuous as possible. I don't want Ram and Boon noticing anything odd." "Yes, boss."

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