“Twenty Seven”

1112 Words

“Twenty Seven”   After he left Aspen, Ben Vongvanich, Bran's father, went back to Bangkok only to head to United States the next morning. For the whole week he had to deal with his partnership with a foreign company. It's one of the biggest projects the Vongvanich Inc. had yet to take. "Prepare the jet. We'll head home tonight." Ben ordered his secretary. It's Saturday and he needed to tidy up the matters in New York before heading back home to Thailand. Earlier he asked one of the men he stationed in Aspen to look after his son about the latest news. He received a information about Nam Soon not being seen with Brandon anywhere. For the whole week. 'Is he getting cold feet? Or has he given up? So not like his parents.' Nam Soon is the only son of Jungsook Lee through a surrogate. His

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