
2136 Words

Kamiya's Pov Suddenly, Arjun asked, "Will you give yourself to me now willingly?" I am shocked to the core or I can say that I am scared more than that. I don't want to hurt him, but at the same time, I am not ready for this.  I am looking at him without blinking as I don't know what to do? And also I can't able to look away from his eyes. He is also looking at me without blinking. It's looking like he wants to read me through my eyes or maybe he read it already.  All of the sudden, Arjun started to laugh at me. I am looking at him with a muddled expression. Then only, I understood that he is just pranking me far now. I pushed him and stood up. I glared at him. He too stood up and controlled his laughter, "Sorry, just for fun. But you looked very cute when you are scared," He again

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