Sheera's marriage

208 Words
Sheera marriage process is done in a hurry way. Sheera parents are very happy finally Sheera got married. But Sheera is not happy . Her conscious mind think about the memories of Veer. Sheera tell to her parents please stop this marriage. But their parents not understand Sheera. Groom is just try to tied mangalsutra chain to Sheera ‘s neck . Sheera said stop I donot like this marriage ;I love other person. Groom was shocked ;he is not shouted ; he smoothly understand Sheera decision. Groom Said , all the best to Sheera for her love success. Then Sheera elder brother is married to a groom sister. Sheera parents got very angry about Sheera. Sheera goes to her favourite ice parlour ,when Sheera and Veer always go to this parlour. Sheer eat a ice cream and feel about Veer she got tears in her eyes. Sheera called Veer, but Veer cannot take Sheera call. Sheera donot Know Veer got a job in Argentina. Sheera call Veer friends , Veer friends Said he go to Argentina, he never come to India. Then Sheera and her family move to America because Sheera brother is living in America. On the other hand, Argentina in Office Veer think about Sheera.
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