Chapter Fifteen - I could be Persuaded

1628 Words

Daniella tried calling Patti several times over the week long break, but her calls kept going to voice mail.  She sighed and looked down at her phone, feeling helpless.  She had this niggling feeling that she had messed up somehow.  She’d been given this second chance at life, but somehow in the process of trying to change her future, she’d sent Patti down a path that looked suspiciously like the one that lead to death. She wished she could talk to someone.  She wished she could tell Bev, or even tell Jesse… but who would believe her?  She didn’t even believe herself when she tried to work out a conversation in her head.  I know this might sound weird, but I already lived through my senior year… and college… and a wedding… and my death.  Yeah, I died, but this black-shadow man came to my

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