Only Mine

1542 Words
Amy was still traumatised by the incident and her memories. She was hiding, under a table. She was paralyzed by the mere thought of her father and his torture on her. She was trembling and crying and her tears were falling down continuously. She was hugging her both legs, while sitting on the ground. After some moments, some guy found her and asked her to come out. He helped her to come out. She was not in her state of mind to notice that person. That person hugged her to calm her down and then he whispered in her ears, “ Don’t worry everything will be alright. You can tell me what happened to you? I will surely try to help you. ” He then tight his grip around her and the he started to stroke her head very lightly. He then wiped her tears with his fingers and after that he started to nuzzle her with his nose. This thing creeped her out from her trance. She then looked at the guy . Her eyes went narrowed, rigid and cold . He was none other than Kris. She pushed him very hard on his chest and now she was out of his grip and hug. He glared at her for her actions and the way that she pushed him. He right now, so much wants to choke her to death but he tried to compose his facade in front of her and said in a calm tone, “ I thought you were having a panic attack. So I was just trying to help you and nothing more. You know for some reasons, I don’t know why, but I care for you. ” Amy looked at him with a dead look in her eyes and gritted her teeths. After that she replied to him in an annoyed voice, “ And just who the hell are you again, to care about me? Dude, I don’t even remember your name and next time try to pull this kind of stunt again and I’ll l make sure that you won’t have your hands, in your future. ” Kris was shocked, as for her audacity to insult him but after that he started to laugh and said, “ Well, I believe that you didn’t like my sweet and caring character. So now I will show the real side of mine, baby. ” After that he started to move to her direction and then pulled her towards him. She landed straight to his chest. Which was quite muscular and his abs could also be felt from inside his shirt from the mere touch. She was struggling to get out of his grip and after that they both heard a sound. “ Just what the hell is happening here? ” Said the guy in an angry tone. They both looked at the direction from where that voice came and the voice belong to Allen. He was looking at both of them and their close proximity. He was not just furious but irritated at the same time. He went straight to their direction and pulled Amy out of Kris grasp. He shoot glares at Kris and after that he gripped, Amy’s wrist with force. He looked at Kris and asked him in an furious tone, “ Just why were you trying to hug my fiancé? ” Kris looked at both of them and made a confused looked and enquired, “ Who is whose fiancé? ” Allen laughed at his expression and replied with a smirk on his face, “ Amy, is my fiancé. She is mine and she belongs, only to me. So, next time don’t even try to touch her or else the consequences can be very grave for you. ” Kris was now infuriated and he thought that his plan can’t be stopped and he will have Amy at any cost.  He don’t care if she loves anyone or not. As at the end he will have her. She is his only. His to destroy, his to wreck, his to f**k and he will have every  right on her. He will shatter her in tiny pieces with his own hands. Kris replied with a smug on his face, “ Well, I believe that you and her are yet to be engaged and your marriage is still, a long way ahead. So, I think it’s not up to you to decide about her choice and her actions. You never know that if she will in the end, become mine. ” After that Allen grabbed him by his collar and smashed him across his face. He yelled at him, “ Don’t you ever try to cross your limits. If I ever see you with her again, I will surely not hold back from killing you. ” Kris, spitted on the ground and touched his jaws. After that he glared at Allen and just when he tried to punch him, Amy grabbed his fist in mid air. She looked at both of them and said, “ I belong to no one. I belong to myself and no one else. I don’t want anyone of you to make any kind decision for me. I am old enough to do that. ” They both were now just shooting glares at each other. After that Allen pulled Amy by her wrist and they both made their way of there. Now Kris was all alone there. He was looking at their backs and then he clenched his fists in anger. He mumbled in a low voice to himself, ‘ Baby, believe me even if I have to force you to make you mine, I’ll do that. I’ll make sure that at the end you will become mine and that in your heart there will be only one person and that will be only me. ’ Allen was still dragging Amy by her wrist. After that he pushed her at the corner of a wall. He slammed on the wall and yelled at her in a loud voice, “ Don’t you f*****g know that just whom you belong. You are my possession and why the hell were you hugging him. ” Amy was looking him with a dead look and replied, “ Are your eyes just for show? Don’t you know the difference between hugging with one’s will and when someone is forcing them on you and one more thing, I didn't know that I was your possession. Just tell me one thing are you jealous or something?” “ Don’t you dare to talk back to me. What nonsense are you taking about. Who is jealous of whom? I just don’t like to share something that’s mine. ” Allen screamed once again at her while slamming on the wall once again but to his astonishment, Amy didn’t flinch even one but or got scared. She was looking in his eyes with no emotions.  He was going mad with rage and he was more furious at himself for not knowing the exact reason for his irritation and the way that Kris was holding her in his arms. He so much wanted to dig the grave for that Kris by himself. He was looking at her furiously and after that he moved closer to her and caged her lips between his and started to kiss her passionately. He grasped the back of her head firmly and pulled her more closer to him. She was knocking him with her fist, so that he could let her go. She was still struggling to get of his grip but her struggle was of no use. After some good moments he let go of her. They both were now panting for some air. The kiss was more filled with rage, rather than passion. He looked at her and said, “ Next time, don’t try to test my patience and don’t you dare to talk back to me or else this was just the beginning. I can do more than this and believe me I will love to do that. ” After that he left her there all alone and went to some other direction. She thought that if all the scums were written in her fate or what. Nia was also finding Amy and after some time she found her out. Nia was looking at her with pitiful eyes and asked her in an calm tone, “ Hey, are you alright? You went pale before, while looking at the bouquet of roses. What happened? Didn’t you always loved roses ? ” Amy was now glancing at her and hugged her. She hugged her very tightly. Nia only caressed her back and said, “ Alright, if you don’t want to talk about this right now, I won’t ask you. I will wait, until you are ready to tell me by yourself. ” They both were now not saying anything thing and after that Amy let go of Nia and nodded at what she said. It’s like someone have got her back. It’s for the first time that someone cared for her. It’s like she is slowly opening to someone. She looked at Nia and said, “ Thank you for always there for, Amy. ” She made a confused look at her and asked, “ Aren’t you, Amy? Why are you thanking me? ” Amy went mummed at her question and changed the topic to something else. They then went straight to cafe together. 
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