1794 Words

~ALTHEA I tossed to the other side of the bed in my sleep. I landed on warmth that made my insides feel good. Something inside me yearned for more and I smiled. "Seems subconscious you loves my irresistible body," a seductive voice said. I jolted awake immediately and flinched away. My heart began to pound heavily and when I set my eyes on him, it was Tristan. My heart sank to the pit of my stomach as I scooted farther away. There he laid, shirtless and only the goddess knew if he had anything on under the sheets that covered his body. He winked his left eye at me before blowing me a kiss. I widened my eyes at the action and looked away immediately. Heat flushed my face and I did not trust myself to look at him again or it would give me away. "Oh, I know you can't resist my charms.

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