1573 Words

~ALTHEA I lost sight of the brothers by the time I got out. I tried searching for them but I could not figure out what part of the castle they had run off to. After roaming around for minutes, I gave up and sat out back where some maids were doing the laundry. Some maids had large basins and washboards allocated to them as they worked on piles of clothes while some went on to rinse and wring. The last set focused on hanging all the clothes. I spotted Selene, she was unfortunately in the hanging department. This meant that she could not be with me. I would have loved to help her out but Tara hated it when I tried to do the other maids' tasks. She always said that she did not want to get in trouble with the Lycans. I sat there for a while, hoping that Selene would be done soon but I

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