1728 Words

~ALTHEA "I want to see just how long you can last before you break. . ." My hands trembled as I held the glass. The rhythm of my heartbeat had long become foreign. So much so that the ache only got stronger. I gripped the glass cup in my hands as I watched Tristan. I was determined to stay strong. I would never break because of him. I could take this. I could take anything. Tristan smiled. "Acting strong, are we?" He whispered before turning towards the man. "Let's see how strong you are," he concluded. Then he walked over to Jordan and touched him again. "Where does it hurt, Jordan?" He demanded. Jordan began to whimper in fear. The only eye he had left went wide as Tristan touched him again. "You don't want to tell me?" Tristan asked in a childish voice. "Oh well, I'll just find i

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