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ALTHEA "Althea." The sound of my name broke me out of my thoughts and I turned a shocked gaze at Kael. That was when I saw all brothers staring at me. "Ah, Althea, the feisty one. I almost forgot about your existence. We made a promise to you, didn't we? It will be fun to fulfill it," Tristan said in a mischievous tone. That was when I realized the gravity of the situation. My heart sunk to the pit of my stomach and my already racing heart accelerated again. My body started to fail me as it trembled nonstop. I turned my gaze to the dead girl in the room. I might have underestimated them before but now I knew what I had found myself in. If I did not do as they wished then I could face this same fate. The other girls turned their heads to me and I could see the horror in their eyes. The woman above us shook her head slightly before retreating into her room. I guessed she felt the show was over. "Bring her to the room," Caliban instructed the guard, emphasizing the way he said the room. As if there was a special place for their entertainment. The guard nodded and allowed the brothers to leave first. Then he stood there staring at me questioningly. "What are you waiting for? Clean up the filth from your body so that you can be presented to the Lords," the guard instructed. I looked around in confusion since I did not know where to start. A red haired girl sighed and stepped forward. She took my hand and led me to the washroom. "Whatever you do, don't annoy them and you'll be fine," she advised. I nodded at her as I spotted the bathtub. The space was a quite big room with wardrobes placed against the wall. She instructed me to get into the bathtub and I did just that. She helped clean my body and my hair up before soaking me with sweet smelling perfumes. "You have beautiful hair," she commented as she brushed through it. "What is your name?" I asked. This was my first attempt at talking to her. "Mira," she answered and gave me a small smile. "What do you think they'll do to me?" I asked. I was curious about the torture they had sang in my ears when I defiled them and I was hoping Mira would tell me so that I would know what I was walking into. A coldness sipped into her brown eyes and she looked away immediately. She walked to a large dresser and took out a dark robe. "Wear this, it will bring out the blue of your eyes and maybe they'll go easy on you," she muttered shakily and tried to get herself busy with folding up clothes. "Mira!" I called to her harshly and she abruptly turned to face me. Then I softened my tone, maybe I had crossed the line. "Please, tell me," I begged. "It's never the same for any of us. It depends on their mood. It's crazy. . ." she answered before suddenly blinking away the moment of weakness. "You should go. The hate to be kept waiting," she stated in a serious tone. I gulped hard and stepped out of the washroom. The guard was still waiting and when he saw me, he gritted his teeth with irritation before reaching across the room and grabbing my arm. Then he roughly dragged me out of the room. As we made turns in the hallway and I caught the gentle scent of the pine forest. This was enough for me to know that we were close to whatever room they had been talking about. My heart began to race as I thought of Mira's voice. She was pretty shaken and this told me that I was about to face horror. A door lay at the end of the corridor and the pine forest scent became stronger. The guard opened the door and threw me in like that other guard had done before. I landed on the floor as expected. My fear increased as my body started trembling harder than before. My intake of breath was shaky and the harsh hammering sound of my heart was not helping in any way. "Get yourself together, Althea," I muttered under my breath. "I mustn't let them see me like this," I told myself. I inhaled deeply and swallowed all the fear that I felt before rising to my feet. I moved forward and spotted the large circular bed that lay in the center. I had not yet spotted the brothers but I knew they were here since I could smell them. "The feisty one is here," Caliban announced from somewhere in the shadows that dominated the dimly lit room. I whipped my head in his direction and only saw glowing gray eyes staring back at me. I flinched just as green and golden eyes appeared beside him. I began to retreat in fear and the brothers finally came into view due to the silver light shimmering in from the window. They were stark naked and there was something about their auras which I could not name. But I knew that it had a way of twisting my stomach up and provoking feelings within me. Caliban swiftly appeared before me and the shock made me fall back on the bed, just where they wanted me. Kael came atop the bed and suddenly tied my hands to the bedpost. I stared back at them in horror. With my hands tied, I was completely at their mercy. "Feisty little one. . .tonight is going to be a very long night," Kael whispered into my ear and an involuntary shiver ran down my spine. Then he sat up and his hands found the belt of my robe. He pulled at it and it came loose. Then he pulled the robe open. Since he would not be able to pass it through my tied hands, he just left it like that on the bed. Tristan chuckled softly before revealing a red and fat candle in his left hand. I stared at it in confusion. "Today, I plan to allow my brothers have all the fun you have to offer down there," he began in a whisper as he gestured at my softness. The moment he motioned at it, his brothers began to trail their fingers up my legs. I squeezed my toes together in an attempt to remain neutral to their touches. The idea was not to react so that I would not give them the satisfaction of breaking me. Yet the fingers that slowly and gently trailed up my legs had a way of provoking throbbing spidery sensations. I bit my lower lip in an attempt to stay quiet. Tristan chuckled again. "We haven't even started and you're already getting this affected. What are you going to do when we finally start?" He demanded while still staring at me in amusement. I did not miss the tint of satisfaction in his voice. I widened my eyes at him and was about to shrug it away when I felt warm fingers enter me from the hole between my legs. I gasped before shooting my eyes down, only to meet Kael staring back at him with a dangerous smile. I was about to make a comment— even if I did not know what to say— about what he was doing when another set of fingers entered me again. I let out a muffled moan before tightening my lips together. My body was betraying me as it began to crave more of the Lycan brothers' touch. And when they started to move their fingers simultaneously in circular motions inside of me, another moan escaped my lips. Tristan chuckled and I clenched my teeth immediately. Both brothers increased the speed of their assault on my p***y and I moved my legs in an attempt to break free but I could go nowhere as Caliban and Kael held my legs down. Hot liquid began to trickle out of me and I felt strange sensations erupt at the depth of my core. The brothers were making me feel things that I had never felt before. At this rate, I thought I would lose my sanity. Tristan brought his free hand down to my already perked up breast and caressed them slowly while his brothers kept working on my p***y nonstop. His hand felt warm against my skin and I hissed through my teeth. "So far, your reaction is intriguing me. I wonder how you would take the candle when I begin with it," he whispered devilishly. I glared at him in horror as he brought the candle to my eye level. As I stared at it, multiple questions seized my mind. What was he going to do with that candle? How was he going to derive any satisfaction from it? Was he going to shove it into me like his brothers were doing with their fingers or was he going to use it some other way?
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