Chapter 21 Good Morning

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Lillith's POV Fingers gently glide across my cheek pushing the hair out of my face. The tickling from my hair slowly wakes me up as my eyes flutter open, taking in the light and surroundings of my family's house. The smell of bacon fills my nostrils as my stomach growls so loudly. Chuckling can be herd from underneath me causing vibrations to erupt under my face waking me up more. I look up, completely forgetting I fell asleep on top of Garrett, but I'm happy I did. I have always found his morning just waking up look, absolutely adorable with his messed up hair hanging down in his face. But what's even better is I love his natural scent it's intoxicating but sometimes it's better, maybe stronger in the morning and it is intoxicating.. so enthralling that I would buy anything that smell like it. I take a deep breath in, just enjoying this calming moment before I'm forced to get up. "How did you sleep Lilly?" His husky tone graces my ears making me smile as I gaze into his stunning eyes. His eye lashes are so long and beautiful that they frame his sparkling orbs making them pop out more. "Amazing." I say softly to him as his bright smile flashes at me replying back just as quickly, "Me too.. We need to do that more often." "I don't need to know what that means." My father says from besides us as he walks past. I scoff at that response as I reply without hesitation. "Daddy he just meant sleeping like this.. nothing else happened." "Uh huh, I don't believe that and I don't need to know any details about my baby girl's s*x life thank you.. Just knowing you have one of those is just life shattering for me, so I'm trying to be ok with it.. So no details please." My father replying sounds strained as if it's it's disgusting for him to even comprehend and it's OK, I won't argue with his demands because I don't want to talk about that either when it comes to him. "Leave her alone honey.. she has had a tough couple days!" My mother lectures him as he groans but so do I, matching his groan. "Mother I don't need you to baby me.. I will be fine in my own time.. thanks though." I say to her as I roll my eyes then snuggling back into Garrett's side. He chuckles at this action as I hear my mother state, "Come on guys time to get up I just finished making breakfast." I shake my head groaning again. "I don't want to get up.. I'm just fine here." I argue with her as my father states. "Fine you want to play like that Lilly Bear, your mother and I had s*x on that couch last week before our trip." "Honey! Don't tell them about our s*x life!" My mother yells in shock from across the room as Garrett and I quickly jump off of the couch, like a fire was started under us, groaning in disgust. I make fake heaving sounds being dramatic as my father lets out a deep in the belly chuckle, filling the room, making everyone smile. "Daddy you better stop because we could both play that game and we would both end up scarred from this for life.. So don't start what you can't control because you definently won't like the results." He continues to chuckle at my statement then retorting back, "Well don't argue with your mother than.. You're older now so I can do this stuff and you know what I'm meaning, so I'll use it to my advantage. That's the fun thing about being a parent when your kid gets older, you can have adult conversations and know it's understood and can even joke about it. It's better that way." He says playfully as I smile agreeing because it is nice to be able to be casual about a lot of these adult conversations now.. Since my parents know I'm sexually active they have just left it at that.. not judging me for it or asking a million questions or anything.. they just let me be me and make my own decisions in life whether they agree with it or not.. hence the Jaxon relationship.. They were very vocal, telling me they didn't like him and why.. but they respected the fact that I still wanted to be with him.. They didn't try to make me do anything that I didn't want to, because it's my life and when it comes down to it I'm an adult so I can do what I want with my life. "But my information is more scarring than yours, so don't start what you can't stop." I warn him as he turns around retorting, "Oh no honey I'm twice your age I have been around and have way more experience of so many things that could scar you for life.. giving you nightmares." My father says with so much humor as I laugh and reply back, "You wanna bet? Yesterday Garrett and I..." My mouth instantly gets covered by a huge hand so I can't keep talking. I realize it's by Garrett who is right behind me now. "Please don't Lilly Flower.. your father loves me but not enough that he wouldn't kill me for you." Garrett begs me as I stop my comment, realizing it probably was taking things too far. I'm just like my father and always take anyone up on a challenge wanting to win no matter what it is. I nod as he uncovers my mouth. I look up at my father who looks a little scared straight as well, just from the beginning of that statement. We all head to the kitchen as my mother and Garrett's mother stare at me with pity in their eyes irritating me. "Please don't mom.. I will be fine, but I'm going to get enough of those pitiful stares out there, please don't do it in here too." I beg her as she tries to stop, but she doesn't know how to stop being a mom and worrying too much. "I'm sorry.. I just can't get the image out of my head that I saw on the news, let alone anything you saw.. and just knowing that breaks my heart for you.. but if you need anything you can always talk to me." She says quickly as I groan more.. I know she means well, but bringing up my trauma is not helping me right now.. I don't need salt in my wound.. it already hurts enough. I turn around to leave the kitchen not wanting to talk about this. I feel a hand on my arm getting my attention and of course it's Garrett looking very concerned. "Guys I don't want to talk about this right now. With everything so fresh, it's just putting salt into my wound, I'll be fine just please, everyone give me time to heal my own way.. I'm going to go take a shower and try to relax." I say turning around and leaving the kitchen.. I just want to be alone right now.. I had a moment to forget about my troubles and of course that couldn't last too long for me, bringing me right back to reality. Garrett's POV I watch Lilly walk out of the room looking sad once again.. I know her mother meant well, but it wasn't something that needed to be said right now. Lilly was finally laughing and having fun for that moment, to just get thrown away. I wish I could go join her to make her feel better.. but no way am I doing that right now, because her father is now watching me like a hawk since she mentioned my name. I just hope he doesn't hate me too much.. "Dammit I didn't mean to ruin her morning I just don't know how to not worry!" her mother exclaims to no one in particular. "I know my love, but we agreed a long time ago that we would let her make her own decisions and deal with the consequences on her own but with our support.. So let her deal with this how she wants.. None of us can relate to what she has gone through, so we shouldn't try.. We are just going to fail, if we keep trying.. She has always been a girl who is honest with us when she needs someone to talk to, so if she needs us she will come to us.. but with Garrett here and them finally dating now each other now, she might just talk to him." Her father states as they all stare at me. I clear my throat at the extra attention as I just state quickly. "Yes she did talk to me last night about some of it, because of what the reporters said that really got to her.. She is still blaming herself right now.. and I'm sorry for sleeping with her on the couch, I wasn't trying to be disrespectful to you in your own house.. I promise nothing but sleeping happened, but I have to admit it was the best sleep of my life." "Poor thing.. How could she not blame herself.. He did it all for her.. When your directly involved with a trauma such as this, there is no way you can think of the trauma without involving yourself in the picture." My mother explains as everyone nods. "I just want to fix this for her.. It's not her fault but I just wish the psycho wouldn't have done this to her." Her mother states as we hear from behind us. "He was not a psycho he just loved me more than any of us ever knew.. and I will get past this on my own, can we please stop bringing it up? I just want to forget about it for a minute!" Lilly demands as she groans grabbing her disc golf bag throwing it over her shoulder. "I'm going out to clear my head before I have to work tonight." She says opening the front door. "No you're not working tonight.. You need to be able to process everything that's happened to you.. You just went through a trauma, you have been traumatized." Her mother argues with her statement. You can see by Lilly's expression on her face that she is not happy about it. "I'm not a child and you don't make decisions for me.. The only reason I'm staying here right now is because I can't go back to my place just yet.. I may not know how I'm going to get past this as of right now.. but one thing I do know is that I need some normalcy brought into my life to help get back on a normal track.. and work is that.. not to mention I do still have bills to pay." She retorts with so much sass that I don't want to get involved because now her mother looks mad. "We could help you pay for it, if you took time off." Her father states as she glares over at him now. "I'm an adult that can take care of her own bills." "Don't argue with us you need time to process this Lillith, just let me help you get through this. The extra stresses of work won't help you not stress." Her mother stands up now demanding from her. "My love stop.. We already agreed to let her get through this the way she wants to." Her father says standing up trying to be the mediator. "This is different then puberty or a break up honey.. She saw a man she loved, murdered in front of her after being abducted! This is completely different from what we were talking about when we agreed to that!" She spats back as Lilly sternly states, "No mother! I'm not taking work off, I just want to be distracted from all this, even if it's just for a moment.. and being busy at work will help with that.. I'm leaving to go play to try to have a good morning since it's not going well so far.. Thanks for the great start mother." She walks out the door slamming it behind her. I jump up slipping my shoes on. "I'm sorry but I'm not going to leave her to be alone, I'm still a little gun shy with that. But thank you for breakfast.. see you later." I say opening the door and shutting it behind me. I take a look around and see she is walking towards our favorite disc golf course to throw at. I pick up my pace jogging towards her as I quickly get to her side in no time at all. I take her bag strap that's hanging off of one of her shoulder and throwing it over my shoulder. "Garbear you don't have to carry that for me. Do I really have to prove to everyone today that I'm an adult and can take care of myself?!" She spats as she crosses her arms increasing her pace. I accelerate with her to stay at her side as I grab her arm and turning her around towards me. "Lilly I know you can take care of yourself I have watched you do it for a while. You don't have to prove anything to me. I just missed you and wanted to stay with you and I took your bag because I don't have my own bag so I'm going to share with you since you have extras in your bag. It's not because I think you can't do it for yourself." I explain to her as she huffs then letting out a deep breathe. "I'm sorry I missed you too I did, but I just had to get out of there.. She just really knows what buttons to push when it comes to me. I'm not meaning that against you.. You have been nothing short of amazing to me." She says so sweetly to me putting her hands on my biceps making me flex instinctively wanting to naturally impress, like most men when it comes to a women they are interested in. My hands go to her hips and pulling her frame into mine. "It's ok baby I know you didn't mean it.. I know how much you already hate pity and to be getting it thrown at you by everyone around you, must be hard.. I can't even imagine what your going through and I am sorry.. Not a pitiful sorry a genuine sorry, because you don't deserve this." I explain to her more as she leans in, taking my face into her hands and pulling me down to meet her as she presses her lips to mine. I willingly just go along with her demands because who wouldn't. I would kiss her forever if she would let me. It's so exhilarating. Her tongue makes it into my mouth, massaging my tongue as our kiss turns heated. I can feel myself getting rock hard at her tantalizing touch. She keeps giving me signals she wants to do more but I'm so nervous, I don't know if I can, no matter how bad I want to. I break the kiss panting as I say into her lips. "Let's go throw a little letting off some steam." This comes out nervously because she is coming on stronger than she normally does and man I want to jump on that band wagon right here right now.. but I really don't want to take advantage of her being vulnerable.. Well that and I don't know what I'm doing, to really rock her world, so I'm nervous to try but man do I want to. She smiles into my lips as she responds back, "Don't worry Gary I won't rape you, I just get a little carried away when it comes to you because you just get me so turned on.. but I will stop.. I'm sorry I don't want to have to persuade you to do that with me I want you to want to do that with me willingly.. when you're ready." She says to me as she turns to walk away. I grab her by her hips pulling right back into my frame quickly catching her attention. "Don't you think for one second that it's not what I want, because I have thought about that a million times with you. I'm just nervous that's all.. You can't rape the willing my love let's just make sure it's when the time is right and not when your stressed just trying to distract yourself." I explain to her as she nods, getting on her tippy toes and kissing me again. "Don't worry Garbear no rush, I'm not going anywhere." She says to me and I nod feeling better that she knows how I feel now. I don't want her to ever think she is not appealing to me, because that is the farthest thing from the truth. I take her hand in mine as we continue to trek our way up the hill to the course that's mostly on the plateau. We make it to the top just casually playing and mostly hanging out enjoying the overcast weather, which just seems to be perfect for playing today. We love coming out, just taking our mind and energy out on the disc's and baskets.. but also the trekking across the park really takes it out of you as well. It takes us a couple hours to go 18 holes of straight joking and throwing.. I didn't even keep score because I didn't want to put any pressure on this round. We are just here to have some fun taking our mind off of things. And luckily it worked.

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