Chapter 3: Portrait

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Upstairs, the maids bustled around Eloise with an air of practiced efficiency, their gentle hands working in unison to cleanse away the remnants of her journey. With warm water and fragrant soap, they washed away the grime and weariness that clung to her skin, their careful ministrations a soothing balm to her weary soul. Once she was thoroughly cleansed, the maids led Eloise into a room adorned with delicate lace curtains and plush furnishings. Seated gracefully upon a velvet chaise lounge, a lady awaited her arrival, a measuring tape draped casually across her lap. As Eloise entered the room, the lady rose to her feet with a regal grace, her eyes alight with curiosity as she took in the young girl before her. With a warm smile, she approached Eloise, the measuring tape glinting in the soft light of the room. "Welcome, my dear," the lady said, her voice as gentle as the whisper of silk. "I am Madame Cress, the seamstress of this house. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Eloise returned the greeting with a shy smile, her heart fluttering with a mixture of nervousness and excitement. She watched in silence as Madame Cress began to take her measurements, the measuring tape gliding effortlessly across her slender frame. With each measurement, Madame Cress nodded in satisfaction, her keen eye noting every nuance and curve of Eloise's figure. Once the task was complete, she turned to a nearby wardrobe, retrieving a selection of dresses in an array of colors and styles. "These will do for the meantime," Madame Cress said, her voice tinged with warmth as she handed the dresses to Eloise. "They may not be perfect, but they will suffice until I can create something truly exquisite for you." Eloise accepted the dresses with a sense of wonder, her fingers grazing the soft fabrics with reverence. As she slipped into the first dress, she felt a sense of transformation wash over her, the weight of her past life melting away with each delicate stitch. With Madame Cress's guidance, Eloise emerged from the room resplendent in her new attire, the dresses draping elegantly over her slender frame. As she looked at her reflection in the mirror, she couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the kindness and generosity that had been bestowed upon her. Eloise stood at the threshold of her new life, her heart brimming with a joy she had never known before. The events of the day had unfolded with such swiftness and grace, leaving her breathless in their wake. As she surveyed the opulence of her surroundings, a sense of disbelief threatened to overwhelm her. Could this be real? Or was it merely a dream, destined to fade with the first light of dawn? But as she looked around her, taking in the grandeur of the mansion and the kindness of those who had welcomed her into their midst, Eloise knew that this was no mere fantasy. It was a reality more beautiful and wondrous than anything she could have dared to imagine. Though the suddenness of her good fortune had left her head spinning, Eloise found herself embracing the newfound sense of special treatment with open arms. Every gesture, every word of kindness bestowed upon her filled her with a warmth that chased away the shadows of doubt. Eloise followed the maids' gentle guidance, her steps light with anticipation as they led her towards the grand dining hall. The doors swung open before her, revealing a scene of splendor and warmth that took her breath away. As she entered, her eyes met those of her father, Henry, who sat at the head of the table with a smile that warmed her to her core. Without a word, she made her way to her seat beside him, her heart swelling with gratitude for the kindness and generosity that had been bestowed upon her. The table before them groaned under the weight of its bounty, a feast fit for royalty spread out in a dazzling array of colors and aromas. Eloise's senses were overwhelmed by the sight and scent of the sumptuous dishes that awaited her, each more tempting than the last. Without hesitation, she joined her father at the table, her hunger driving her to sample everything in sight. The flavors danced upon her palate, a symphony of taste and texture that left her feeling as though she had been transported to a realm of pure bliss. But amidst the abundance and extravagance, a sense of disbelief lingered in Eloise's mind. As she savored each mouthful, tears welled in Eloise's eyes, the overwhelming emotions threatening to spill over at any moment. She couldn't believe that she, a girl who had known nothing but hardship and struggle, could find herself in such a place of privilege and abundance. Sensing her distress, Henry reached out a comforting hand, his touch a gentle reminder of the love and support that surrounded her. "It's alright, my dear," he murmured softly, his voice a soothing balm to her troubled soul. "Everything will be alright from now on. You are safe here, with me." With those words, Eloise felt a sense of peace wash over her, the tumult of her emotions giving way to a deep sense of gratitude and contentment. As she finished her meal, she felt a sense of exhaustion creeping over her, the weight of the day's events finally catching up to her. "It seems that you are very tired. For now, sleep and tomorrow I will see you at breakfast," he spoke, his words a soothing balm to Eloise's frazzled nerves. With a gentle nod, Henry directed the maids to guide Eloise to her chambers. With a grace born of years of service, they moved as one, their understanding unspoken yet palpable. Through winding corridors and up ornate staircases, they led Eloise to her new sanctuary. As the doors to her chambers swung open, Eloise's breath caught in her throat at the sight before her. The room stretched out in all directions, a vast expanse of luxury and splendor that seemed to swallow her whole. From the intricately carved furniture to the shimmering chandeliers that cast a soft glow over the room, every detail spoke of wealth and privilege beyond her wildest dreams. With a sense of wonder, Eloise allowed the maids to assist her. The nightgown they provided was soft against her skin, a stark contrast to the rough fabrics she had grown accustomed to. Once they had finished their task, the maids bowed respectfully before her, their words of well-wishes hanging in the air like a benediction. "Have a good night sleep, young lady," they said in unison, their voices fading into the distance as they left Eloise alone in the cavernous room. Left to her own devices, Eloise felt the weight of her uncertainty settle upon her like a heavy cloak. The silence of the room was deafening, its emptiness echoing with the absence of familiar sounds and sensations. She approached the bed tentatively, its towering expanse a stark reminder of the vastness of her new reality. But despite its plush cushions and inviting embrace, sleep eluded her, her mind awash with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. The soft ticking of the clock in the corner of the room echoed through the stillness, its steady rhythm a comforting reminder of the passage of time. Each tick seemed to mark a moment lost to the void, a fleeting second slipping through Eloise's fingers like grains of sand. Despite the opulent grandeur that surrounded her, the walls of her chamber seemed to close in on her, suffocating her with their imposing presence. A pang of loneliness pierced Eloise's heart like a dagger, its sharp edge cutting through the facade of luxury to expose the raw vulnerability that lay beneath. In the stillness of the night, she felt adrift in a sea of emptiness, the weight of her isolation pressing down upon her like a leaden weight. With a heavy sigh, Eloise rose from her bed, the soft whisper of fabric against her skin a fleeting comfort in the darkness. She made her way to the window, drawn by an inexplicable longing for the cool touch of the night air against her skin. Memories of days gone by flooded Eloise's mind, each one a bittersweet reminder of the life she had once known. Though she may be alone in this unfamiliar world, she refused to be consumed by despair. With each breath of the cool night air, she found strength anew, a resolve to carve out a place for herself amidst the uncertainty of her surroundings. And as she stood at the window, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, Eloise made a silent vow to embrace the challenges that lay ahead with courage and grace. For though the road before her may be fraught with obstacles, she knew that within her lay the power to overcome them all. As the realization dawned upon her that sleep was finally within her grasp, Eloise decided to explore the mansion under the cloak of the night. The once enchanting view that had captivated her earlier had faded into a cold, dark expanse. The grandeur that had surrounded her seemed to withdraw, leaving behind an eerie stillness that echoed through the vast halls. Everyone in the mansion had succumbed to the embrace of sleep, and a hushed silence enveloped the once bustling abode. Eloise, feeling a sense of restlessness, ventured through the dimly lit corridors, eager to discover the unseen corners of the mansion she had missed during their earlier journey to the dining hall. As she roamed through the quiet halls, portraits adorned the walls, each capturing the man in various scenes with different individuals. Yet, it was a colossal portrait that brought her to an abrupt halt. The enormity of the image loomed over her, freezing her in place as she comprehended the profound meaning of the man's actions. A sense of disbelief washed over her as she stared at the portrait, her eyes widening in recognition. The likeness was uncanny, a mirror reflection of herself, dressed in extravagant clothing she could not recall ever wearing. It was an image of her, yet not her. She grappled with the dissonance between the familiar face and the unfamiliar memories. A voice shattered the silence, and Eloise spun around to find the man standing behind her. A shiver ran down her spine as he remarked, “You are still awake.” Her throat constricted, rendering her speechless, and all she could manage was a trembling finger pointing towards the portrait. “I was going to talk to you about this tomorrow and wait. But since you have seen it already, I have no choice but to tell you this,” he sighed, his demeanor losing the warmth he had shown earlier. Confusion etched across Eloise's face as the man revealed a truth she never anticipated. "I don’t know who you are or where you came from. But after my men have been monitoring you for years and I have known that no one has ever taken you ever since. I brought you here because she resembles you greatly.” He stated glancing at the portrait which made her look at it once again. “You will be her from now on," he declared, his gaze cold and distant. "You will be Eloise Gabrielli," he added, his words landing like a heavy blow, leaving Eloise numb and bewildered.
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