Part 5

1540 Words
RIRI "Because you were chosen," I told her. The furrowing of her brows revealed the depth of her inner turmoil. It was as if her mind was a whirlpool of thoughts, desperately trying to make sense of the information at hand. Her face betrayed the myriad of questions and concerns that were swirling within her. Lost in contemplation, her brown eyes would deepen in hue whenever she concentrated on something, drawing in anyone who happened to be observing her. The intense gaze she projected was captivating, and I wondered if she was even aware of it. Perhaps no one had ever mentioned it to her before. When I was initially tasked with protecting this woman, I expected it to be a difficult assignment. However, I was proven wrong. Her gentle nature, compassion, and understanding made everything seem effortless. As I spent more time with her, I realized that she was no longer just a person under my protection but someone I would willingly give my life to defend. In fact, she was the most important member of the pack. "Chosen for what? That sounds very...odd." "I mean, chosen in the sense that I've selected you to know who I truly am. It's time for me to reveal myself to you," I explained with a cheerful tone, wrapping my arms around her in a warm embrace. "I'm overjoyed that I can finally be my authentic self without any fear of rejection from those around me," I continued with passion. The truth was, I wasn't entirely confident that she would accept me, and I had feared her potential hatred towards me. "You know, it's not easy to find people who you can confide in and share your secrets with," I added. While I did feel guilty for not disclosing everything to her, I was genuinely happy that she had accepted me for who I am. When the time is right, she will know everything, but for now, we must proceed with caution. We can't afford to startle her, as sensitive and potentially upsetting information could cause her distress. "Even if you were to transform into a dragon, you'd still be my friend, Riabhel," she said with a playful tone, the smile on her face never wavered. "You're amazing, An." . . And with that, Anisha had transformed into a curious little mouse, eager to learn and explore the entire pack. She fired off question after question, never running out of them. We departed from my parent's house around noon, but before stepping outside, I offered her a comfortable new outfit - a red t-shirt and jeans paired with white sneakers. As we walked, I noticed that we had attracted some curious eyes. It was hardly surprising; she was like an angel in appearance, radiating a genuine sense of grace and loveliness. Her presence seemed to draw the admiring gazes of men around us. Moreover, people were naturally drawn to her because of her sweetness. She had a way of making those around her feel valued and appreciated, and many who interacted with her would attest to that fact. However, some men misinterpreted her kindness as an expression of romantic interest, which presented a challenge for me. It was a tough job deflecting the advances of potential suitors in the past. I couldn't help but let out a deep sigh. I had already shared with her the fundamental information about our kind - the Creekpine Pack. I explained how we lived in a pack and were led by a dominant pair of Alphas. I also told her about our distinctive appearance, with a large, sturdy body, long snout, and sharp teeth when we transformed. Although she had yet to see one of us in our transformed state, I could sense her eagerness. Her face displayed a range of expressions, from astonishment, excitement, and curiosity, to wonderment. Despite her eagerness, her kindness and compassion enabled her to approach everything with care. Some of her questions had been answered, but there were others that I deliberately avoided. "I forgot to message my parents, Ri. I need to let them know my location; they'll worry if they don't hear from me for a day," I said. "Sure thing, An. Just send them a text," I replied as I spotted the Creekpine lair up ahead. "But first, let me show you something. See that place?" I pointed it out to her. "You mean that house? If you can even call it a house. It's massive," she exclaimed in amazement as we approached it. "Exactly. We call it the Creekpine lair, but it's much more than just a lair. It's where we gather and socialize as a pack during gatherings," I explained. "I want to show you the showroom. It's dedicated to showcasing the history of our pack, and it could give you some insight into the fascinating world of werewolves." She listened intently, nodding her head as I spoke. Seeing her interest made me smile. "I agree, it's truly fascinating," she said in a voice that I wasn't sure was meant for me to hear, as her gaze roamed over the impressive structure of the building. I could understand her reaction as the building's architectural style itself was wondrous. Its intricate design made the place the most recognizable building in the Pack area. As we entered the building, her head didn't stop turning as she took in everything around her. It was as if she was drinking in all of the sights and information at once. "Wow, this place is beautiful, Ri," she exclaimed with pleasure. Before I could reply, another voice chimed in. "I'm glad you like the place." I turned to face the voice, recognizing it immediately. My body involuntarily leaned forward in a gesture of submission. "Hello there again," Anisha's melodic voice greeted him. I was surprised to see him, but I knew what he wanted. "Ahm, An, I left my phone. Silly me," I groaned, sounding disgruntled. "Can I get it? And don't worry, I'll send a message to your parents so they won't be concerned. I'll let them know that you'll call them soon. I'll be back," I said as I walked towards the door, the corner of my mouth curving up in a knowing smile. Her eyes widened with silent panic. "You're leaving me with him?" she asked, her voice tinged with wariness. She had her back turned to him, and I could see the nervousness and disbelief on her face as I left her alone with him. "He knows this place better than I do, An," I reassured her with a wink. "You can ask him anything you want." ANISHA I couldn't believe her! She left me with him! Riri, you will not be able to sleep tonight without my scolding. I will ensure that you do not get away with it. "Do you still want to look around?" his deep voice asked. "Ye—yes! Of course!" I widened my smile, hoping that he wouldn't notice I was a bit skittish. He was staring...just like this morning. But he wasn't smiling. "This way," he gestured for me to walk before him, and I did. His imposing presence loomed over me, unnerving me as he stood uncomfortably close. His warmth seemed to envelop me entirely, leaving me feeling tense and flustered. I couldn't help the fluttering in my stomach. As we advanced down the hallway, two paths emerged, each leading to unknown rooms. I realized that I wasn't the one who should be leading the way. He was familiar with the place and should take the lead. "Which direction, by the way?" I strained my neck over my shoulder to see his face, but I gasped when my face directly made contact with his chest. "I'm sorry." I quickly said. I noticed him inhaling the air like he was tasting it, followed by a deep vibration rolling from his chest. And before I could step back to put that needed distance between our bodies, my breath was stolen when I felt his strong arms around my waist and I was not on the ground anymore, but in his arms, being held tight against him. My entire body was paralyzed with fear, but somewhere, somewhere I couldn't nail down, excitement danced inside me, tugging on me like a leech. My skin tingled and my heart hammered against my ribcage. The pleasant sensation of being held in his arms was enough to give me goosebumps. I was so lost in that feeling that I couldn't push him away. I felt his ripped muscles against my body. Warm and hard. I couldn't think straight or move. I could feel his strength holding me in place. "You smell heaven," his breathy moan made him sound like a crazy man in need. He licked the juncture of my neck and shoulder and I shuddered. Feelings I had never felt before struck me, centering on my core. That heated pressure left me wanting something novel for me. I was wet. He growled. "Just damn good." He dragged another intake of breath from the back of my ear, sending a delicious shiver down to my feet. "Kallum," I gasped. He flinched. "My name is Kazimir."
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