1780 Words

AURORA “All this would not have happened if you didn't find the need to be such a f*****g animal” “So now it's my fault?” “What the f**k were you thinking ? Pushing her like that? Even if you know she might not be as strong as you think she is?” “How's it supposed to my f*****g fault that she wanted to prove a point?” I furrowed my brows, I could hear the loud voices filling the room, I could recognize it everywhere, anywhere. I wondered where I was. I wondered why I didn't feel any need to stand up from where I was. I rubbed a hand over my face as I tried to process whatever the hell was happening. I groaned when I opened my eyes and shut it almost immediately because the light was too damn bright. What the actual hell was happening? Why did it hurt to simply just open my eyes? Whe

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