1030 Words

AURORA He helped me mount the horse. The racing of my heart sounded almost too loud in my ears. Perhaps it was because of the way I was conscious about the feel of Drogo's hands on my waist. Every small, unintentional contact with him could be considered searing, intense even. I mounted the horse and the horse whinnied, moving from side to side and I clutched at the reins. “She can sense your fear. She can feel whatever you feel and right now, she knows you're afraid” Drogo said as he settled behind me. I could feel his breath on my neck. I could feel the air at the back of my neck, standing on ends, I could feel the loud rushing noise in my ears, infact, I felt everything too intensely and I know I should be scared by it, by scared by whatever it is that I'm feeling because I was certai

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