1759 Words

AURORA Maybe it was an irrational decision. Something that I shouldn't have done. He captured my chin between his fingers. My eyes widened slightly as his gaze fell down to my lips and then he slowly raised his eyes up to meet mine. Our gaze met and held. I didn't have anything, couldn't exactly say anything as I held my breath. I pulled away almost immediately. “You haven't exactly told me why you didn't make it up for breakfast?” He said. No matter how much I hoped that he was going to let it go. He seemed like he was hellbent on getting an answer out of me. I was suddenly empty of what to say or what to come up with. “I felt sick. Didn't really feel like eating anything. I felt very nauseous” I blurted out finally. His eyes raked over my face as if by that, he could tell that I was

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