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AURORA When Tiffany's eyes settled on me. It was impossible to miss the hatred. Unmistakable in fact and if I was sure that she hated me before then this time. I was quite positive it had intensified. “And yet for some reason, you decide to pick being in her bed over mine” she growled as she returned her glare back to Drogo who still didn't look bothered from where he stood. His impassive expression didn't soften, he looked even more unbothered as he stared at her with empty, unremorseful eyes. “You were not supposed to be here. I told you to go home” he finally said when the air became too heavy with tension. “Surely I can spend time with my fiance whenever I want. You won't be the one to tell when I choose to be with you” she snapped and my blood ran cold instantly. For a moment, I

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