1056 Words

AURORA For a moment, I stared at him in surprise. I didn't think Kane was capable of feeling any emotion, considering the fact that he enjoyed getting under people's skin. I akwardly stood, staring at him while he battled with his conflicted emotions. I wondered why the mention of thier sister, caused so much pain. I wondered why Drogo reacted to the mention of his sister in a way that I was certain that I've never seen before. But what ever happened today, it was Kane that pushed him, tried to provoke him, like he usually does. I stilled, watching him. I wanted to feel sorry for him. “You can just go around hurting people, just because you feel like it” I narrowed my eyes on him. I wasn't talking about myself alone. I was talking about Drogo as well. I wondered why I cared so much. Why

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