commoner’s stench

1747 Words

AURORA I stretched, placing a hand over my mouth to stifle a yawn that was coming out of my mouth. I adjusted to the side, sleep instantly cleared from my vision when I remembered Kane's presence. His eyes remained closed, I watched the soft rise and fall of his chest. His lashes casted quite a shadow over his cheek bones and his hair had grown incredibly longer and all over the place. It almost looked alive. I was tempted to lean forward and bury my fingers in them, just to remind myself how it would feel like. I restrained myself from the urge to touch him. Barely. I tried to give the both of us a little bit of distant so that at least, I wouldn't be tempted to do anything stupid. A strong arm banded around my waist immediately. His grip ironclad. I was forced to remain where I was. C

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