Chapter 7 Daddy

2280 Words
             Rhea and Reese were exchanging small chat between them. She could see the resemblance to Titus even though his hair was blonde. They had similar facial features. He was a good-looking guy, though Titus had him beat out in that department. They were just starting the second song and she felt a hand wrap around her waist. She looked over her shoulder to see Titus holding on to her.               “You’ve danced with her for one dance too many.” Titus looked at Reese and raised his eyes slightly. It looked innocent but Reese immediately dropped his arms from Rhea and bowed his head lightly.               “My lord.” Reese raised his head.               “This one is already taken so you need to find a new dance partner.” Titus tugged on Rhea’s waist leading her away.               “Already taken?” Rhea looked up to Titus with her eyes raised. She wasn’t taken. No one owns her. No one has claimed her. Her neck was bare and unmarked.               Titus grinned down at her. “Oh, you are… you just don’t know it yet.” He chuckled lightly.               Rhea shook her head and laughed at his joke. So much for not having possessive family around her. “Where is Lee?” Rhea looked around noticing his absence.               Titus grinned almost smirking. “He’s around. He is probably blowing off some steam somewhere.”               I guess that means he didn't get his way.  “So how do you two know each other?” Rhea asked curiously.               “Hahaha. You know typically it should be me asking you that, but I already know. Levi was always around. I grew up with him. He is like my older brother. You see, Levi takes turns living and watching over the dragon kingdoms. During my reign he will be in the west dragon kingdom. To me he is family.” Titus smiled as he talked about Lee. They were obviously close. “Most of the dragons give him a wide girth because of who he is, but I was lucky enough to get to really know him on a personal level. Of course, that doesn’t stop us from disagreeing and fighting.”             “What were you guys fighting over?” Rhea bit her bottom lip. She knew it had something to do with her… at least she felt like it did.               Titus looked down at Rhea and shrugged with a small smile on his face. “He doesn’t like the idea of me keeping you here. But… I think it is the best decision. He doesn’t like it when he doesn’t get his way.”               “So… if I asked him to take me, home, would he?” Rhea asked innocently but felt the tension in Titus arm.               “He better not. He might be our deity, but we have an agreement. He doesn’t interfere with the royalty’s decisions. He might get involved and question things, but we are free to rule as we please. After all, you noticed he hasn’t commanded us to protect the fairies. Don’t you think he would have if his intention were to override us?” Titus looked at Rhea thoughtfully for a second. “Are you wanting to leave here already?” A small frown rested on his lips.               “No. I agree with you that I think this is a good opportunity to form friendships and hopefully change views. I don’t know why you are really keeping me here though. That is an issue we will having to meet at a later date.” Rhea met with his eyes confidently. She wanted him to know that she wasn’t a naïve girl who didn’t know better. She was just using the opportunity to help her kind.               “I hope one day… I hope you’ll want to stay here. I’d hate to lock you up.” Titus winked at her as she rolled her eyes.               “I don’t think you are the type of person to lock me up Titus.” Rhea smiled at him as she watched him shrug.               “I don’t know. I might be. It just depends.”               Rhea smiled and shook her head. She could feel it deep within. He wasn’t a bad guy. She trusted her senses. He was hiding something from her but for now she could let it go.             A thunderous roar was heard in the distance. Rhea jumped deep into Titus’s arms. And scrunched her eyes shut. “That would be daddy.” Rhea looked up to see Titus’s smiling face.               Titus chuckled. “Don’t worry Rhea. I’ll protect you.” He winked at her and grinned. “Guess I better meet your parents. It’s the least I can do… I have to take responsibility for their daughter.”               “Yeah… you might not want to say it like that around my daddy.” Rhea bit her bottom lip as another raging roar was heard.               Titus kept his arm around her and tugged her along. “You worry too much.”               They walked out of the party area and towards a tree line.  Just on the other side was another clearing that met with a big stone castle. And at the front were two guards who were standing in front of a very angry Tyler. Lilly stood there calmly with Kelsie while Cody and Tristan were flexing their muscles near Tyler. Rhea tightened her grip on Titus which caused him to look down and grin at her again. As they got closer, they caught sight of Rhea.               “Rhea!” Tyler called out to her. She went to go to him, but Titus held onto her firmly.               “Not yet princess.” Titus pursed his lips together as he met with the gaze of a very angry father.               Tyler narrowed his eyes to Titus. His eyes flicker from his arm around his daughter back to his eyes. “Are we going to have a problem here?” He growled out. Tristan grabbed onto Cody’s arm stopping him from charging towards the dragon.               Lilly walked up and rested her arm on Tyler’s to calm him down. She glanced up and examined the man holding onto her daughter. “Don’t tell me you’re the cute little boy who asked me to marry him?” Lilly grinned recognizing his scent. It was indeed Titus.             “You have hardly aged a bit.” Titus said shocked. “You look like how I remembered you.”               Lilly giggled. “Werewolf and fairies don’t age like humans. When we reach maturity, our aging slows significantly. Much like how dragons do too… So, are we still friends now that you’re all grown up?”               Titus laughed. “Of course.”               “Good. Then why is my friend holding onto my daughter like that?” Lilly’s green emeralds met with the topaz ones. She watched as a smile spread across his face.               “I figured that you already had a mate when I met you… but since your daughter doesn’t, I thought I was in luck.” Titus grinned as he heard the rippling growls from Tyler and the two guardians.               “I think we can go and discuss this situation rationally.” Grandpa Sage walked up and patted his hand on Titus shoulder. "Quit provoking them." There was a mild fatherly scold in his voice. Titus gave him a crooked grin and shrugged.               “Grandpa Sage, it’s very good to see you again.” Lilly smiled while she held onto Tyler to stop him from rampaging. She could feel he was about to snap.               “Let’s go inside and chat.” Grandpa Sage looked up to Titus and nodded.               Titus looked at Rhea and smiled, loosening his grip on her. He let his arm drop from his protective hold. “Would you two please follow us. Rhea… you can wait here with your… people.” Titus looked up to Tyler and Lilly who agreed to follow him.               Rhea watched as her parents followed Titus and Grandpa Sage into the castle. She was then blindsided by a crashing forced from the side. Cody held her tightly and then pulled away from her with angry eyes.               “I knew it! I knew you going out with Kelsie was trouble-”               “Hey! Don’t get started on me.” Kelsie snapped back.               “Cool it you two! We don’t need a continuation from earlier now do we.” Tristan growled as he walked up to Rhea. Cody was livid with Kelsie when he heard what happened. The two were in each others facing yelling at the top of their lungs. Thankfully, Lilly managed to calm them both down.                “Are you okay princess?” Tristan looked her over and pulled her from Cody and into his arms.               “I’m fine Uncle Tristan.” Rhea hugged him back and smiled.               “Are they really not planning on letting you leave?” Cody asked bitterly.               “Yeah… but I can work on relations and see if I can get them to become our allies.” Rhea tried to smooth it over.               “Okay, so say you are able to do that then what? Will you be allowed to return then?” Kelsie asked in a snotty voice. She was not a fan of dragons… well kelpies weren’t fans of anything really.               “I don’t know… I’m not sure what the plan it… How did you guys get here so fast?” Rhea tried to change to subject.               “We took the hippogryph’s… much easier then climbing up the mountainside.” Cody frowned as he looked at the small cuts and bruises over her body.               “Tyler won’t let them keep you for nothing. They better have a good reason, or he is going to blow a fuse.” Tristan looked out towards the castle. He wanted to be with Tyler and Lilly.               “There is no good reason.” Cody folded his arms and sighed. She wasn’t theirs to keep. She was the fairy princess. She was his sister. Damn snakes need to step back.               “How was fishing?” Rhea asked sheepishly. She was trying to deescalate the tempers. She didn’t mind staying here for a little bit… but she didn’t want to stay here permanently. She would just take it one step at a time.               “Fishing? Seriously Rhea?” Cody rolled his eyes at her pathetic attempt to change the topic.               “Where is your summon at?” Kelsie spat out with her brows furrowed. “Why hasn’t he whisked you away from here.”               “He is here somewhere… from my understanding he doesn’t interfere with how things are running in the kingdom. So, I don’t think he can take me away from here… even if I asked him. As long as I am safe then he will leave it alone.”  Rhea looked around. She hadn’t seen Lee since the argument earlier. She was hoping he was okay.               “I knew it… he is a dragon too so he can’t be trusted.” Kelsie crossed her arms and sighed.               “Don’t worry. I’m sure my parents will work something out.” Rhea smiled. She trusted her parents. Surely, they could do something about this situation. “In either case… I will be staying here for a little bit. So where is my stuff?”               “I forgot… I can go back and pack you up your things.” Kelsie was too caught up in the moment and fighting with Cody. She completely forgot to pack up Rhea’s stuff.               “I can bring it to you. If you are staying here, then I am too so I will need to go back and pack up some of my stuff too.” Cody sighed. He didn’t really fancy staying there but there was no way he would let Rhea stay there alone.               “Me too, I’ll stay with you too.” Kelsie looked at Rhea and nodded. She hated the idea of sleeping there though… disgusting.               Rhea laughed. “Kelsie. You don’t have to stay here too. It is so easy for you to pop in and visit with your ability. You might as well be comfy in your own place.” Rhea saw her friend’s shoulders slunk in relief.               “Okay, but I will be here every day then to see you.” Kelsie wouldn’t arguing sleeping at her own place. She knew it was selfish but that was just how she was.               The group had finally found a comfortable place to sit while they waited. It had been a couple hours and the light was beginning to fade. Finally, they could see them coming back through the castle. They stood up and walked over to Tyler and Lilly. They all wanted to know what had been decided.
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