Chapter 3 Homesick

1693 Words
             Rhea stayed up and talked with everyone until late in the evening before she finally excused herself for bed. She walked into her room and shut the door. She sighed heavily. Her lips curled down as a few tears trickled down her cheek. Today was a tough day for her. She couldn’t help it. She really missed Wyatt and Jason. They visited last month but it wasn’t the same. And she had the feeling that something was bothering Wyatt but he didn't say anything.  If only she was there too. She was used to seeing them daily. She was used to being surrounded by her fun filled family. The isolation was getting to her. Then on top of all of that she still can’t reach her wolf. Maybe if she had her wolf to talk things over with it would be different? She would have someone that knew her mind and she could confide in. It was so hard to have people you were so close with but couldn't talk to daily. They couldn't use cell phones at all here. There was no way she could even video chat with them.                She walked up and peered out the window. The sky was lit up in the brilliance of the bright moon. A few more tears streamed down and onto the ground. She hated that she was being sealed away. Why shouldn’t she get to live her life where she chooses? Why does her whole life have to change because of demons? She always tried to keep up a brave front in front of everyone. She didn't want her parents to feel bad. She knew they hated separating their family and that they both were struggling leaving Jason and Wyatt behind. Even though they could travel to visit them they stayed closed to her since she couldn't. She knew she was being a bit pitiful right now, but this was just her emotional dam finally overflowing. And since there was no one around to see her she let the liquid crystals fall.               A warm hand wrapped around her and gently spun her around. She jumped, startled, and her eyes widened from the unexpected visitor. She looked up and then relaxed seeing who it was.               “Why are you crying?” Lee asked as he reached up and wiped her tears from her face.               Rhea smiled and shook her head. “Silly stuff I guess.” So much for being alone. Though she did not mind having his presence near her. He was a comfort to her.                “If it is bothering you then it isn’t silly. Why don’t you talk to me about it?” Lee withdrew his hand from her and looked at her expectantly.               “I miss my family. I want to go back to the Diamond pack. I hate that I am being kept in the dark and locked away. I hate that everything had to change for me because my parents were worried about some demons that I have never met.” Rhea bit her bottom lip to stop it from quivering. She wasn't afraid of these demons. If they were after her then let them come. She would fight. Though, she did not want anyone to be injured fighting on her behalf. She knew this was the best way to keep everyone safe. She was just feeling a bit lonely and selfish. She could admit that to herself.               “It’s safer for you here. Those demons can’t come in here and take you. If the opportunity arrives, they will… they will take you. That’s why you are here. It is to keep you safe. The land is in unrest. Something is approaching. The demons are restless. Something is going to happen. You need to stay in Elysium where it is safe.” Lee stared into her deep sapphire eyes. This was something that couldn’t be helped. The world was growing more and more dangerous. She was precious. She had to be kept safe.               “I have you to protect me though.” Rhea scrunched up her nose with a smile.               Lee chuckled. “I will protect you the best I can. As strong as I am, I can’t protect you against the army that is forming. This is one of the safest places for you.”               Rhea smiled at him weakly. Of course. How can he understand? He can come and go as he pleases. How can anyone else possibly understand? She’s the one who is a damn canary forced to live in a cage. She should just sing and be happy. She better not dare try to fly with those wings. Just sit tight and enjoy her safe cage.               “Don’t think that I don’t care, Rhea.” Lee’s voice came out a bit agitated. He reached his hand out and tipped her chin up, forcing her to look into his eyes.               “Yeah. I get it. This is where I am safe. I need to be happy and accept it.” Rhea looked away and out the window staring back at the moon. She was pulled backwards and soon felt her back being held against his chest. “You would probably feel differently if you were trapped.” Rhea whispered out.               “I would change it if I could. I only want you to be happy Rhea. Safe and happy. You know I care. I’m sorry I can’t do anything about this. I’m sorry you are stuck here. It isn’t forever though. It is just for now.” Lee leaned his head down and spoke lowly in Rhea’s ear. He was trying to soothe her. She was distressed and it made him sad that he couldn’t give her what she wanted.               Rhea felt his hot breath against her skin and couldn’t stop the shiver that rippled over her body. His hot chest seared her back. She could feel his muscular body… feel his chest rising and falling. Her heart rate quickened. Something so simple was sending tingles through her body. She leaned her head back onto his chest. Taking in his scent. Her senses were going wild. Everything was pulling her to turn herself around into his arms.               “Rhea?” Lee called out quietly, gently spinning her body around to look at her face.               Rhea felt her cheeks heat up staring at him. He got her worked up too easily.               “Everything is going to be okay? You’ll see. This is only a minor inconvenience. A small part of the big picture you will be involved in.” Lee smiled at her and patted her head.               Ugh. She was taking her mind straight to the gutter and he was patting her on the head like a little sister. Dang she needed to find her mate. Once she found her mate her attraction to him would go away. Your mate consumes your thoughts and even those who thought they were in love forget. Their thoughts are only about their mate. She really needed hers because Lee was too attractive. She imagined that was how women felt when they were around Cedric before. Since Cedric was a fairy who could attract women to him. Maybe Lee had some sort of attractant too…that or she was just a lovesick girl who was unmated.               “It was just a bad day. I’ll be better tomorrow.” Rhea smiled up at him. Letting her eyes wander over his delicious face…sculpted shoulders…intoxicating smile…his sweet scent.                         “Rhea, are you feeling okay? You look a little flushed?” Lee asked as he rested his hand on her forehead checking for a temperature. Then moving his hand to either side of her cheeks.                         “I feel fine.” Rhea was inwardly screaming though. I’m fine. Just blushing away as my eyes devour your incredible body. Don’t mind this insignificant lifeforce here. Can’t blame some lowly peasant like me for being attracted to a god. I mean… they are a god. And that is a body of a god…mmmmm…Rhea! Gutter! Get out of the Gutter! He is looking right at you! Focus woman! Rhea shook her head and smiled. “It’s been a long day. I guess I am tired.” He flashed a wide smile at her. Yep, he is melting me.               “Get some sleep princess. I hate it when you are stressed out. I feel like I’m not doing my job.” Lee patted her head once again smiling down at her.               I know a way you can unstress me out…if you are offering… “I’m going to grab a shower and then get to bed. I promise I’ll be back to normal tomorrow.” Rhea knew she would be taking a cold shower.               “Sweet dreams princess. If you need me call me.” Lee smiled and kissed her on the forehead before he vanished.               If you need me call me… I wonder how far that really goes… what needs does that all include. Rhea smiled coquettishly as she walked into her bathroom. She needed a nice cool shower to regulate her raging hormones. He had no idea the affect his body had on her… well if he did then he was one sick deity to get her worked up like that. To be fair she knew this was all her. He was just… well a god. He had the body of a perfect man. Everything about him was perfect. That was how god bodies were. Which was horrible for a young hormonal girl who was mate deprived.               Moon goddess you better send me a mate quick… and my wolf too while you are at it.
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