
1733 Words

Sebastian's POV: " Seb, you there? " I heard Carlos's voice for the first time after three or four days. But how is it even possible? Am I hallucinating? Carlos's spirit was captured by Wren . She used him and got me locked up there. " Carlos , is that really you? " I asked him in my mind. He nodded and started doing a happy dance in my head. I was happy that he's back with me. I just hope the demon doesn't show up at all. But knowing Nicholas, I didn't have any expectations. " What happened? " Lisa's voice pulled me from my trance. She looks worried as she has her hand placed on her chest. So, I decided to ask her. " Nothing. You tell me what happened? " I asked her as i rushed towards her. She smiled at me. a real genuine one. She didn't answer me as she smiled while tears rolled

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