Wren's painful past

1530 Words

" How do you like my room? " I turned upon hearing Wren's voice, which I found was sweet and alluring for some reason. She stood there in her t-shirt and the track pants. Her abs are clearly visible. I gulped at the sight of this gorgeous woman. She gave me a sly smile before coming closer to me. She's behaving weirdly. Why am I getting nervous ? She cupped my cheeks and I could literally feel sparks erupt and her smell of strawberries and vanilla was intoxicating. Why do I feel strange things towards her? Heck, I didn't have any problems like that with Sebastian. He's my mate. Oh no! It can't be. But the signs are there. She can't be my mate. I haven't even shifted. Is it possible for that to happen? " What did you do to me? " I asked her angrily, as I was pretty sure that she might

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