Could Not Watch

1937 Words

He carried her back to the villa and told the nanny to bathe and change her clothes. Blake rushed into the courtyard alone and continued to rummage through the replaced locks on the trash cans. Fortunately, he had not taken care of the trash today, so after some effort, he found two pieces of the lock from within the pile of trash. He held them tightly in his hands as if he was holding a precious treasure. This place belonged to him and Avery. If the lock core was changed, then, how was Avery going to return home?! No one knew that he had actually been waiting for her to return. When Angie woke up early the next morning, he had already left. She put on her slippers. The nanny had prepared a sumptuous breakfast. "Good morning, Miss Lopez." "Morning." Angie sat down at the kitchen table

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